Jodie’s Story: A Little Girl Lost After Illegally Given an Untested 8-in-1 Vaccine

Augustina Ursino VacTruth, March 14, 2015   This historical vaccine injury case, to be ruled on in court soon, involves a doctor who seriously put an infant’s life at risk, the National Health Service in the United Kingdom and parents of a permanently and severely vaccine-damaged child, Jodie Marchant. The Marchants share with us what happened after they took their …

What About the Immunocompromised?

Immunocompromised: immune system suppression due to any medical condition, drug or treatment. Proclaiming the need to protect immunocompromised children from the unvaccinated is the cause du jour, isn’t it? Let’s force-vaccinate the American population of children in order to protect all of their immune-deficient classmates. Herd immunity! Protect those that can’t be vaccinated by vaccinating those who can! What does …