Last night the National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the National Institutes of Health issued the first in a series of reports that contains partial findings from their long-awaited, $25 million study of the cancer risk from cell phone radiation. This report summarizes the study of long-term exposure to cell phone radiation on rats. The report on mice will be issued at a …
Let’s Create A Better World – 12.05.15
Dr. Peggy Martin and Kevin Mottus are our the guests today on “Let’s Create a Better World” with host Bobby Ellias and co-host Stefan Rudolph.
Kevin Mottus discusses the true negative effects of cell phones and wireless transmission. The huge growing effects of diseases such as cancer and more do to cell phone use. Kevin’s gives facts and advice on how minimizing wireless exposure is a necessity for us to focus on these days.
Dr. Peggy Martin discusses proper eating habits for having a healthy holiday season, along with the side effects of processed food and holistic healing for depression and more. Discussion on nutrition, increasing our knowledge of food, eating in moderation, and being able to enjoy the holidays without overdoing it in all areas. Focus on holistic healing for depression
Study: Cellphone Use ‘Triples Brain Tumor Rates’
Did you ever wonder how a cell phone might affect your brain? When you think about it, the use of cell phones is massively experimental, as we had no idea what kind of negative effects they might have on people when they were first introduced. Well now, decades after heavy use of cell phones, a study shows that brain tumor …
Brain Wave Warping Effect of Mobile Phones, Study Reveals – Sayer Ji
Your mobile phone is not only a carcinogenic, radiation emitting device, but may alter the structure and function of the brain, including brain wave activity that is intimately connected to cognition, mood and behavior. A concerning new clinical study published in PLoS One titled, “EEG Changes Due to Experimentally Induced 3G Mobile Phone Radiation,” has revealed that so-called 3rd generation (3G) cell …