Project Censored – 01.10.17

For the first half of the program, Peter and Mickey speak with sociologist William Carroll,
about his latest research into the “transnational corporate class” — top corporate board members
and executives — who wield vast influence over public policy.

Then Sunsara Taylor and Rafael Caderas make the case for “stopping the Trump regime before it starts;”
they advocate mass protests on the scale of the anti-Mubarak uprising in Egypt. Their web site is

The Copts: a question for Egypt

President Hosni Mubarak had his first meeting with President George W Bush in Washington on 2 April. This was the usual time of year for the presidential visit to the United States, and the time of year for various groups of expatriate Copts to start noisy accusations of persecution of Egypt’s Christian minority. On 22 March Copts were “marching for …

Lawrence Davidson – The Dangerous Ideology of Religion

pre-set forms of thinking that shape people’s worldviews and, supposedly, help to order and simplify reality. While this supposition is always flawed to one extent or another, ideologies can be very seductive. In part this is because they free their adherents from the hard work of critical thinking. Thus, they are often held onto tenaciously. Because ideologies distort reality, they are …

Peter Koenig – Towards a Foreign Imposed “Political Transition” in Syria? The Broader War, US Threats directed against Russia

Washington has been quite successful in its wicked embrace of Syria over the last few weeks. Just imagine, Kerry, in a propaganda-painted gesture of goodwill, forges the Vienna Peace Conference, this past Friday, 30 October. The results are inconclusive, but on to more talks in Geneva; no longer ‘Assad must go’, but rather the concession that “Assad is going to …

NIH funds wireless technology to control human behavior

It sounds like something out of a bad science fiction movie. Unfortunately, the spending of federal funds on wireless technology to control the brain is all too real. Taking advantage of public funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), as well as the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Defense Department, scientists have developed a remote-controlled tissue implant …

Jon Queally – Worldwide Condemnation as Egypt Whisks Al-Jazeera Journalists to Prison

Outrage and condemnation were the reactions inside a Cairo courtroom and across the world on Saturday after three Al-Jazeera journalists were sentenced to at least three years in prison by an Egyptian judge. #FreeAJstaff Tweets Canadian national Mohammed Fahmy, Australian journalist Peter Greste and Egyptian producer Baher Mohamed were convicted of “spreading false news” and acting on behalf of the …

Egyptian President Vows to Fast Track Process of Putting People to Death – Sarah Lazare

Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi vowed Tuesday to escalate his clampdown on dissent and political opposition by expediting the process of putting people to death. The announcement is the latest sign the U.S.-backed head of state is enforcing full-blown authoritarian rule, which some analysts warn is the worst the country has seen in 60 years—including during the regime of former President Hosni …

Egypt’s Descent into Despotism By Lawrence Davidson

Military officers often take over countries, but only a fool would call the result a government. Governments do not have to be democratic, but they do have to be rule-based. The rules can come in the form of generic laws or customs, but in all cases they have to be promulgated, that is, be publicly set forth. In addition, obedience …

Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s First Freely Elected President, Sentenced to Death – Deirdre Fulton

An Egyptian court on Saturday sentenced ousted president Mohamed Morsi and more than 100 other defendants to death for their role in a 2011 mass prison break. Morsi, Egypt’s first democratically elected president, was ousted by the military in July 2013 after days of street protests by Egyptians demanding that he be removed because of his divisive rule. His overthrow …

Washington’s “human rights” imperialism exposed

The Obama administration announced Tuesday that it is resuming arms shipments to the military dictatorship in Egypt, beginning with the transfer of 12 F-16 fighter jets, missiles and the components required to build 125 tanks. In a personal call to Egypt’s ruler, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Obama also pledged to resume the annual transfer of $1.3 billion in military aid. …