It’s been a while since China built a transcontinental railway in the Americas. Last time, Chinese laborers were deployed to work on the railway that linked the East and West Coasts of the United States—and were rewarded with epidemic labor abuse and racial-exclusion laws. Today, China has a lot more to gain from its latest railway construction venture: linking two oceans …
The Myths of US Exceptionalism – Jack Rasmus
One of the elements of cultural ideology in the USA is that the United States is somehow exceptional compared to other countries; that is, it is different in a number of positive ways that distinguish it from all other countries. Exceptional in Health, Education & Retirement? In a perverted way, there is some truth to this. The United States is …
Why is the US So Frightened of Venezuela?
Obama is not in Kansas anymore, but he does not seem to know it. Latin America no longer slavishly accepts orders from the USA; it is no longer the USA’s “back yard”. The mainstream media has downplayed the fact that President Obama has just declared yet another country an enemy of the USA –one in the American Hemisphere. He has …
The Oil Price War
In a stunning but little-known speech delivered in 2007, Gen. Wesley K. Clark claimed that America underwent a ‘policy coup’ at the time of the 9/11 attacks. He had documented the progress of that coup in a book titled Winning modern wars, Iraq, terrorism and the American Empire that Gen. Clark had published in 2003. He was not just the usual retired general. He …