Love Lust And Laughter – 10.05.16

Sheri Winston, author of Succulent Sex Craft – – returned to the program. She is witty, wise, uninhibited! Dr. Diana and Sheri had another discussion that was sexually frank and exuberant. Last week in the name of Partner Pleasure, we discussed communication, touch, settings, and dealing with challenges. This week the themes were positivity, fun, orgasms – as well as how to create and then play inside a “conjoined erotic trance.” The experience of orgasm often feels like a burst of pleasure, bliss, emotional and physical release because the amygdala, the fear center of the brain, has taken a nap. A woman needs to feel safe with her man. “Sex pleasure in women is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken.” – Simone de Beauvoir. Sheri explains how she and her partner “run the highlights reel” after lovemaking as a way to lovingly process the experience. They also practice “changing the channel” if something is amiss and they want, with no blame, to change to something that would be more satisfying. Energy sex which can lead to the “conjoined erotic trance,” allows couples to take a vacation from fight-and-flight. Not only is it good for your overall health, it’s like lying on a Hawaiian beach – with orgasms!

Newly discovered bacteria can eat plastic bottles

A team of Japanese scientists has found a species of bacteria that eats the type of plastic found in most disposable water bottles. The discovery, published Thursday in the journal Science, could lead to new methods to manage the more than 50 million tons of this particular type of plastic produced globally each year. The plastic found in water bottles …

Is Canada on the path to totalitarianism? – Antonia Zerbisias

Last Tuesday, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP),announced that they had made a series of arrests over the previous weekend at Montreal’s Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport. The operation was carried out “in order to disrupt the plans of 10 young Montreal residents suspected of wanting to leave the country to join jihadist groups”. Interestingly, the arrests coincided almost to the day …

The Pathology of the Rich White Family – Chris Hedges

The pathology of the rich white family is the most dangerous pathology in America. The rich white family is cursed with too much money and privilege. It is devoid of empathy, the result of lifetimes of entitlement. It has little sense of loyalty and lacks the capacity for self-sacrifice. Its definition of friendship is reduced to “What can you do …