David Serio, a nutritional biochemist, David has treated peiple with chronic illnesses for over 20 years. His specialty is cleansing. He speaks about various forms of cleansing, which is his specialty. His discussion is about a wide variety of ways of food, drinks and a healthy way of living. David emphasizes flax seed oils and also mentions other oils. Among …
Charles K. Bens, Ph.D. – Preventing Cancer at the Molecular Level
There are six main causes of nearly all chronic illnesses, including cancer, and they are as follows: Genes and genetic programming Nutrition Toxins/radiation Stress Lack of physical activity or a physical injury Hormone imbalance One of the most prevalent misconceptions about cancer is that it is usually caused by genetic factors. Jeffrey Bland, in his book, Genetic Nutritioneering, dispels this …
Michael Casey – Drug overdose deaths increase significantly in past five years
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 30 states saw increases in overdose deaths resulting from the abuse of heroin and prescription painkillers, a class of drugs known as opioids. New Hampshire saw a 191 percent increase while North Dakota, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Maine had death rates jump by over 100 percent. “Too many Americans are …
Jamie Condliffe – Big Pharma and Distracted Driving Are Killing Americans Early
The life expectancy for Americans has declined for the first time in 23 years. Data from the National Center for Health Statistics shows that the average life expectancy for a U.S. man fell from 76.5 years in 2014 to 76.3 in 2015. For women, it fell from 81.3 to 81.2. Disease certainly plays the biggest part. There was a 0.9 …
US life expectancy falls, as many kinds of death increase
A decades-long trend of rising life expectancy in the U.S. could be ending: It declined last year and it is no better than it was four years ago. In most of the years since World War II, life expectancy in the U.S. has inched up, thanks to medical advances, public health campaigns and better nutrition and education. But last year …
Graham Vanbergen – Shadow Banking verses Global Hunger
Banking Verses Humanity – FactVILE Fact: Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day. VILE – Seven years after the global financial collapse, regulators and investors are still working through an epic pile of lawsuits and other …
Claire Bernish – Landmark Study Shows Half of Cancer Patients are Killed by Chemo — NOT Cancer
No matter how much doctors push the treatment, chemotherapy might not be the best option in the fight against cancer, as a new study shows up to 50 percent of patients are killed by the drugs — not the disease, itself. Researchers from Public Health England and Cancer Research UK performed a groundbreaking study examining for the first time the numbers of …
CHRIS BUSBY – It’s Not Just Cancer! Radiation, Genomic Instability and Heritable Genetic Damage
Those who fear the effects of radiation always focus on cancer. But the most frightening and serious consequences of radiation are genetic. Cancer is just one small bleak reflection, a flash of cold light from a facet of the iceberg of genetic damage to life on Earth constructed from human folly, power-lust and stupidity. Cancer is a genetic disease expressed …
Study shows broccoli may offer protection against liver cancer
Consumption of broccoli has increased in the United States over the last few decades as scientists have reported that eating the vegetable three to five times per week can lower the risk of many types of cancer including breast, prostate, and colon cancers. A new study from the University of Illinois reports that including broccoli in the diet may also …
Jeff Guo – Death predicts whether people vote for Donald Trump
A few weeks ago, following the Republican Iowa caucuses, I pointed out an eerie correlation in the voting data. It seems that Donald Trump performed the best in places where middle-aged whites are dying the fastest. That wasn’t a fluke. The relationship between white mortality and Trump support is real, as the fresh results from Super Tuesday confirmed. Here are scatter charts to visualize this connection in nine of the 11 Super …