Kevin Lowney lies awake some nights wondering if he should kill himself. “I am in such pain every night, suicide has on a regular basis crossed my mind just simply to ease the pain. If I did not have responsibilities, especially for my youngest daughter who has problems,” he said. The 56-year-old former salesman’s struggle with chronic pain is bound …
Sayer Ji – ‘Cancer Screening Has Never Saved Lives’ – BMJ Study Concludes
Millions have marched for “cancer causes.” Millions more have been diagnosed “early” and now believe screening saved their lives. But a new study confirms something we have been reporting on since our inception: In most cases, screening not only has not “saved lives,” but actually increases your risk of dying. An extremely important new study published in the British Medical …
Study finds mortality rate of middle-aged white Americans increasing rapidly
Something strange is happening to middle-aged white Americans. Among all ethnicities or races, as well as counterparts of other wealthy countries, the mortality rate for this group has been rising rapidly. In contrast, mortality rates of middle-aged black and Hispanic Americans continue to decline, as well as death rates for the old and young of all ethnic and races. The increased mortality rate …
Yves Smith – “Stunning” Rise in Death Rate, Pain Levels for White Middle-Aged, Less Educated Whites
One of the long standing patterns in economies showing economic growth is longer life spans, and falls are see the result of severe distress and dislocation, as took place in the period right after the fall of the Soviet Union, when the expectancies of adult men fell by over seven years. The US has just become the first country to …
Julie Fidler – WHO Set to Classify Red Meat, Processed Meats as “Probably Carcinogenic”
Summertime cookouts are about to look a lot different to many people who will undoubtedly switch out brats, burgers, and steaks for chicken, pork, or even portabella mushrooms. The World Health Organization (WHO) is reportedlyplanning to classify red meat, bacon, sausages and other processed meats as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” That means that some of the world’s favorite foods will …
Big mistake: Conventional medicine performs double mastectomy when not needed
Brutal behavior: Should we really be doing this to women? Known as ductal carcinoma in situ, or D.C.I.S., the Stage O breast cancer condition equates to the finding of abnormal cells, confined to the milk ducts of the breast. Diagnosed cases of D.C.I.S. have soared in recent years due to advanced mammography, which is now able to detect even the …
Sarah Lazare – USA: The Global Superpower That Once Again Fails Infant Mortality Test
Federal data released Thursday shows that the infant mortality rate in the United States remains one of the worst in the developed world, at three times the rate of Japan, Norway, and Sweden and double that of Ireland. The report from the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found that 5.96 out of every …
In the first study to look at the consequences of anti-gay prejudice for mortality, researchers found that lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals who lived in communities with high levels of anti-gay prejudice have a shorter life expectancy of 12 years on average compared with their peers in the least prejudiced communities. “The results of this study suggest a broadening …
Researchers say aborted fetal cells in vaccines causing increase in autism
Autism is a brain disorder that causes symptoms that typically become noticeable no later than age three. It affects a child’s ability to communicate both verbally and non-verbally and also affects social interactions and relationships. In addition, autism can dramatically lower a child’s interest in socializing and may cause a preoccupation with certain activities, toys or routines. It is no …
Elementary-age suicides: rate rising among black children
Youth suicide is a major problem – the second-leading cause of death among adolescents in the US – but research into the trends has tended to exclude young children, say authors analyzing the numbers. Their analysis looks exclusively at the group aged 5-11 years and finds that while the rate has remained steady overall, an increasing proportion of young black …