Dr. Binoy Kampmark – Washington’s Zika Vaccination Ploy

Should you fear receiving the needle from a stranger?  Yes.  Should you fear receiving it from a person you know all too well as a historical abuser?  Even more so.  Empires do it, states do it, and even local agencies do it.  Let’s all, as it were, vaccinate for all in this perverted paraphrasing of the Cole Porter song, the …

Cole Mellino – Arctic Warming Produces Mosquito Swarms Large Enough to Kill Baby Caribou

Some Alaskans joke that mosquitoes are “Alaska’s state bird,” but the pesky insects are becoming no joke. Warming Arctic temperatures have caused their numbers to swell immensely in the region in recent years. Lauren Culler has been studying insects in Greenland for the last several years. Culler, a postdoctoral researcher for Dartmouth College’s Institute of Arctic Studies, along with a team of researchers published …

Boehner Blames California Drought On Obama BY JOE ROMM

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) took to Facebook on Tuesday to recast California’s worst drought in 1200 years as a “man-made water shortage” — not worsened by climate change, but by President Obama himself. He also asserted that, in the midst of the historic Dust Bowl conditions, Americans still have a God-given right to green lawns. Boehner, of course, famously said in May that …

Meet the New GMO Mosquito: Millions Carrying the “Kill Switch Gene” Already Released By Emerson Urry

Key West, Florida – Mosquitoes can be one helluva a nuisance – and with those pesky little critters comes myriad illnesses, but two in particular have been present in South Florida in recent years – Chikungunya and Dengue Fever. Both are vector-borne diseases, and both are transmitted by Aedes aegypti – the scientific name for a bothersome little bug, also …