WILLIAM BLUM – Is It Terrorism or is It Religion? Does It Really Matter?

From the early days of America’s War on Terror, and even before then, I advocated seeing terrorists as more than just mindless, evil madmen from another planet. I did not believe they were motivated by hatred or envy of American freedom or democracy, or of American wealth, secular government, or culture, although George W. Bush dearly wanted us to believe …

Leid Stories – 11.18.15

Terror, Terrorism, Terrorists: The State and Race-Based Psychological Warfare

Election 2016: Six ‘Debates’ and What Do We Know About What Really Matters?

It is indisputable, and universally agreed, that last Friday’s multi-location attacks in Paris that left more than 130 people dead and hundreds of others wounded was an act of terror. It is also indisputable, however, that not all acts of terror are classified as such, and yet we seem to “know” what a terrorist is and what qualifies as an act of terrorism. How is this done? Leid Stories explains.

The Republicans have had four of them; the Democrats, two. But are the superhyped Q&A sessions (Leid Stories refuses to call them “debates”), hosted by various media entities, really educating the public about what’s at stake in the 2016 presidential election? Listeners cast their votes on the issue.