Resistance Radio – Don Salvatore – 11.06.16

Don Salvatore has a biology degree (BA) from Northeastern University in Boston. He has been an informal science educator since graduating, with the last 36 years at the Museum of Science in Boston, teaching many science topics to the general public and school groups that visit the Museum. He is currently the coordinator of the Firefly Watch citizen science project, which started in 2008. Since the program’s beginning, they have had over 5,000 people from 40 states and 6 Canadian provinces participate – collecting firefly data in their back yards. He also writes short stories about the nature one can find in one’s back yard and posts them on a web site – Backyard Biology ( Today we talk about fireflies.

‘Fighting Dirty,’ Clinton’s ‘Inflammatory Distortion’ of Sanders’ Single-Payer Plan

Perhaps spurred by palpable momentum around Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton took aim this week at a centerpiece of her chief rival’s platform—and political career—a Medicare-for-All program that he says would save the average U.S. family thousands of dollars a year in healthcare costs. At campaign stops in Iowa and New Hampshire on Monday and Tuesday, both Hillary and …

Remember that Siddhartha left his wife and newborn son behind on his quest for enlightenment – Energy Stew interview with Samuel Shem – 08.07.15

Few people think about what happened at home after Siddhartha left for a life to explore suffering and eventually come into realization. His wife, Princess Yasodhara, had just given birth the day before and felt totally lost.

Siddhartha’s stepmother Pajapati (the sister of Siddhartha’s birth mother who died in child birth) was there to build a support group.

This book, “The Buddha’s Wife, The Path of Awakening Together” by Janet Surrey and her husband Samuel Shem, builds a rich story derived from the historical documents of the time. We’re in a time now when our spiritual paths must join more together to evolve. Princess Yasodhara also needed a spiritual community to hold her suffering rather than go off on a solo retreat as her husband did.

This is a wonderful book about rising above our suffering through listening, sharing and holding compassion together. A spiritual community is very empowering and is the path to “awakening together”.

Why Are We Still Asking if a Dying Woman Should Be Able to Get an Abortion to Save Her Life? – Jennifer Dalven

A recent analysis of abortion attitudes byThe New York Times came to the right conclusion: The divide on how Americans feel about abortion is much smaller than partisan politics would have us believe. But there’s a bigger idea that the piece in the Times — and the poll it relies on — missed: All too often, we’re still asking the wrong …