Today is July 13th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment and all things political around the world. Gary sets time aside today to play an audio clip where Ben Swann of Truth in Media defines ISIS and its creation. Download this episode (right click and …
Gareth Porter – Why the US pushes an illusory Syrian peace process
The notion that a political settlement will take place lacks credibility – the realities on the ground in Syria won’t allow it The anti-Assad coalition led by the United States continues to stagger toward the supposed objective of beginning peace negotiations between the Syrian government and what has now been blessed as the politically acceptable “opposition”. The first such meeting …
Harmeet Sooden – The US-led Coalition’s Human Rights Record in Iraq
Human rights violations committed by ISIS are condemned the world over – rightly so – whereas those committed by the US-led coalition fighting ISIS are under-reported, particularly in the West. What follows is a selection of the latter – a selection that strongly suggests the coalition’s military strategy is compounding the humanitarian crisis in Iraq. 13 September 2010 – Amnesty International …
Who Is Bombing Whom in the Middle East? – Robert Fisk
Let me try to get this right. The Saudis are bombing Yemen [3] because they fear the Shia Houthis are working for the Iranians. The Saudis are also bombing Isis in Iraq and the Isis in Syria. So are the United Arab Emirates. The Syrian government is bombing its enemies in Syria and the Iraqi government is also bombing its enemies in Iraq. …
My War on Terror
Dear American Patriot, I wish I knew your name. I’ve been thinking about you, about all of us actually and our country, and meaning to write for a while to explain myself. Let me start this way: you should feel free to call me an American nationalist. It may sound ugly as hell, but it’s one way I do think …