All too often in recent decades social, cultural, and political movements have worked in isolation from one another. But there’s so much to learn so none has to reinvent the wheel. Among the more successful movements has been that of gay rights. NYU professor of Sociology of Education Lisa M.Stulberg, in her new book, talks about some of the challenges …
Love Lust And Laughter – 01.23.18
What do men want? Brad Coates ( knows because he has handled 8-9 thousand divorces over the last 40 years. He also knows what women want, and everything is documented in the 5th Edition of his book Divorce with Decency. Brad is an unusual divorce attorney because he suggests relationship counseling! He even speaks on cruise ships, cruising to some 140 countries …
Project Censored – 07.18.17
Mnar Muhawesh is the guest for the first half of the show; she explains why she created Mint Press News, as well as her experience of being a Muslim woman doing journalism in the U.S.Later in the program, the three hosts have a panel discussion covering, among other topics, the various connotations of the word “nationalist.” Web sites mentioned on …
The Gary Null Show – 07.10.17
Today is July 10th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment and all things political around the world. Gary sets time aside today to play an audio clip from Abby Martin on Punishing Reporters for Truth in a Censored Media. Download this episode (right click and save)
Trends This Week – Obama the hypocrite – 05.08.17
President Donald Trump has spent just over one hundred days in the White House. In those one hundred days, he has waged war in the Middle East and announced a tax plan that will further benefit the wealthy. Liberals everywhere are saying the same thing, “We miss Obama.” Meanwhile, their beloved Barack can be found mimicking the Clintons, collecting $400,000 to give …
Expanding Mind – Cognitive Liberty – 03.02.17
Criminologist and law lecturer Charlotte Walsh talks about freedom of thought, neurotechnologies, religious exceptions, and how the role human rights might play in the decriminalization of psychedelics.
Glenn Greenwald – Secret Docs Reveal: President Trump Has Inherited an FBI With Vast Hidden Powers
n the wake of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the FBI assumes an importance and influence it has not wielded since J. Edgar Hoover’s death in 1972. That is what makes today’s batch of stories from The Intercept, The FBI’s Secret Rules, based on a trove of long-sought confidential FBI documents, so critical: It shines a bright light on the vast powers of this law enforcement …
Trends This Week – Anti-terror or pro-murder? – 02.01.17
Why welcome the citizens of the countries we’ve destroyed when we could ban them instead? President Trump’s ban on Muslims hurts both Trump’s popularity and the markets, but will not stop terrorism. Neither will the drone strikes Mr. Trump has already carried out in his first weeks of presidency.
Paul R. Pillar – Trump’s Chaotic Management Style
The fiasco of President Trump’s executive order involving travel bans from selected Muslim-majority countries has consumed public attention for several days, although it was only one of several actions that have constituted the most disorganized and strife-laden opening ten days of any U.S. administration in memory. This order deserves the vigorous criticism it has received on several grounds, but it …
HENRY GIROUX – Democracy in Exile and the Curse of Totalitarianism
With his white supremacist ideology and racist contempt for Muslims on full display, President Trump has issued an executive order banning all Syrians and people from seven predominantly Muslim nations from entering the United States. In doing so, he has not only made visible, and without apology, his embrace of the frenzied lawlessness of authoritarianism, he has also put into …