Thursday marked the 150th anniversary of the founding of America’s deadliest terrorist organization: the Klu Klux Klan. Since September 11, extremists associated with various far-right wing ideologies, including the KKK and Jewish extremists, have killed far more people in the United States than extremists motivated by radical Islam. One centuries’ old example of US government double standards when it comes to …
HENRY GIROUX – America’s Addiction to Violence
On December 2 2015, 14 people were killed and more than 20 wounded in a mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. Mass shootings have become routine in the United States and speak to a society that both lives by violence and uses it as tool to feed the coffers of the merchants of death. Violence runs through American society like an …
George Capaccio – “The Time of the End is the Time of No Room”
Daffy Donald proposes to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., while journalist Glenn Greenwald recently reported on the frightening upsurge in attacks on Muslims. As I write these words, I am listening to John Williams’ score for the movie “Schindler’s List.” The music never fails to move me deeply. Whatever historical flaws or misrepresentations the film might have, the undeniable …
Tyler Cherry – Fact Checkers Call Out Donald Trump’s Year Of “Campaign Misstatements” And Lies
Fact Checkers Excoriate Trump’s “Many Campaign Misstatements” PolitiFact: All Of Trump’s “Campaign Misstatements” Win “2015 Lie Of The Year” Because “It Was Hard To Single One [Lie] Out From The Others.” PolitiFact awarded its annual Lie of the Year award to Donald Trump’s “many campaign misstatements,” because “it was hard to single one out from the others.” Politifactnoted that 76 percent of the statements …
Scientists find: Religion and politics led to social tension and conflict, then and now
Humans haven’t learned much in more than 2,000 years when it comes to religion and politics. Religion has led to social tension and conflict, not just in today’s society, but dating back to 700 B.C. according to a new study published today in Current Anthropology . University of Colorado anthropology Professor Arthur A. Joyce and University of Central Florida Associate Professor Sarah …
LINDA PENTZ GUNTER – Climate Deniers are More Dangerous Than Trump and More Deadly Than ISIS
So Rep. Lamar Smith (D-Tx.) finally got his NOAA emails. What he really should get is a jail sentence for crimes against humanity. He, and the other climate deniers like him who hold positions of power, are arguably more dangerous than Donald Trump and more deadly than ISIS. It is true that the presidential campaign of Donald Trump feels frighteningly …
David Frum – The Great Republican Revolt
The angriest and most pessimistic people in America aren’t the hipster protesters who flitted in and out of Occupy Wall Street. They aren’t the hashtavists of #BlackLivesMatter. They aren’t the remnants of the American labor movement or the savvy young dreamers who confront politicians with their American accents and un-American legal status. The angriest and most pessimistic people in America are the …
Wired for gaming: Brain differences in compulsive video game players
SALT LAKE CITY – Brain scans from nearly 200 adolescent boys provide evidence that the brains of compulsive video game players are wired differently. Chronic video game play is associated with hyperconnectivity between several pairs of brain networks. Some of the changes are predicted to help game players respond to new information. Other changes are associated with distractibility and poor …
Jill Richardson – Make America Great, Like It Was — When?
The holiday season is a time for nostalgia. We watch It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story, engage in time-honored traditions, and even sing songs about sleighs and sleigh bells. Honestly, when was the last time you rode in a sleigh? I’ve eaten a roasted chestnut (purchased on the streets of Chicago, so I don’t know if there was an open fire …
Mahmoud El-Yousseph – What would Prophet Mohammad do to Trump?
Leading GOP Presidential Candidate Donald Trump calling for a “total and complete ban on Muslims entering the US” is the worst public insult directed against Muslims I have ever heard in 40 years of living in America. He has even suggested that American Muslims be required to register in a database and have their mosques be put under surveillance or …