LOA Daily – 03.07.18

And Now For Something Completely Unexpected We intended to talk about the next segment in, “The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham”. Oh well, best of intentions and all that. Instead, we took yesterday’s controversy and took it to another level. Welcome to the Bleeding Edge! Download this episode (right click and save)

LOA Daily – 02.19.18

Abraham’s Creative Workshop Process Yesterday was the setup for today’s show. In essence, the Creative Workshop is simply setting aside time to sit with the various things we would like to have in our lives and piecing them together in a mental picture to feel good about and build up our idealized lives. Download this episode (right click and save)

4 Reasons Climate Change Affects National Security – Reynard Loki

On Wednesday, the White House released a new report, “The National Security Implications of Changing Climate [3].” In concert with the release, President Obama delivered the commencement address at the United State Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, during which he argued that climate change ranks alongside terrorism as a primary threat to America’s future and criticized climate deniers in …