Given its informal title “the change of life,” it’s no surprise that menopause, just like any other change, can cause anxiety. However, menopause – the time in a women’s life when menstruation stops – doesn’t have to be a time that women anticipate with dismay. Menopause, which happens because the ovaries stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone, can occur …
Lucy Goodchild Van Hilten – Those Burgers Aren’t Just Making Us Fat—They’re Messing With Our Immune Systems, Too
A junk food diet is clearly not healthy. Burgers widen our waistlines, raise our cholesterol levels and tighten our arteries. But scientists now think that even before it shows up as additional pounds on the scale, junk food is changing our bodies in other, surprising ways. It’s actually a form of malnutrition that could be making our immune systems attack …
Studies Link Cancer Patients’ Survival Time To Insurance Status
Privately insured people with cancer were diagnosed earlier and lived longer than those who were uninsured or were covered by Medicaid, according to two recent studies. In one study, researchers examined data from more than 13,600 adult patients who had glioblastoma multiforme, the most common type of malignant brain tumor, between 2007 and 2012. The other study analyzed data from more than 10,200 adults …
Kelly Brogan – 3 Scientific Game Changers That Will Transform Medicine
Think diseases run in the family? Think again. Have you ever worried about “getting” breast cancer because your mom and aunt both had it? What about Bipolar Disorder (yes, psychiatry capitalizes it’s diagnoses for extra emphasis!) or Lupus? It has probably felt like you have a ticking time bomb inside you and you just want to know when it’s going to go …
The Fraud of the American Cancer Society Exposed
Does your insurance cover the latest cancer drug that costs $159 to make, but sells for $106,000? The cost of cancer drugs has skyrocketed lately by more than 5000%, and this is not the exception, but the rule. Despite this gob-smacking display of greed, we continue to finance not only the pharmaceutical industry, but ‘charitable organizations’ that are nothing more than …
4 of the Most Commonly Prescribed Drugs That May Be a Lot More Risky Than Pharma Is Letting On
They are so common no one thinks twice about them: drug ads that tell you about a disease you might have, a pill that could treat it, and tell you to “ask your doctor” if the pill is right for you. Until 1997, such direct-to-consumer ads did not exist because without a doctor’s recommendation, how could people know if the …
Sayer Ji – If Cannabis Can Kill “Incurable” Brain Cancer, Why Is It Criminalized?
In recent years, we’ve focused heavily on educating our readers about the still relatively unknown role that cancer stem cells play in cancer, both in terms of conventional cancer treatment failure and the exceptionally promising role that natural interventions play in targeting these highly malignant cells. It is encouraging to witness a growing awareness that cancer has been completely misunderstood, and …
Nick Allen – Researchers say drug kills cancer cells in rats but cautions against use by humans
The US government has confirmed that cannabis can kill cancer cells after the drug did so in tests on mice and rats, according to the National Cancer Institute. The development will provide further ammunition for pro-legalisation campaigners. On its website The National Cancer Institute, part of the US department of health, said: “Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids …
UK newspaper reveals the injuries and deaths from specific vaccines by Jonathan Benson
A major UK media outlet has made a bold move by publishing official Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) data obtained from the government showing that, contrary to the opinions of pro-vaccine talking heads, childhood vaccines are, indeed, responsible for causing tens of thousands of serious injuries and deaths among children. A data sheet containing figures of “spontaneous suspected ADR reports in …
Evolution is unpredictable and irreversible, biologists show
Evolutionary theorist Stephen Jay Gould is famous for describing the evolution of humans and other conscious beings as a chance accident of history. If we could go back millions of years and “run the tape of life again,” he mused, evolution would follow a different path. A study by University of Pennsylvania biologists now provides evidence Gould was correct, at …
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