Resistance Radio – Guest: Darrell Geist – 04.01.18

Darrell Geist is habitat coordinator for Buffalo Field Campaign, a position he’s worked in for 12 years. His  experience with the Yellowstone buffalo dates back to the early 1990s when he worked with Cold Mountain, Cold Rivers and videographer Mike Mease to publicize the state of Montana’s slaughter of these majestic wild animals.  After graduating from college he migrated to …

No sleep for Congolese mothers trying to save their girls from rape

The mothers of Kavumu hardly sleep. But on rainy nights, they don’t even try. The rain pounds on their tin roofs so noisily that they worry they won’t hear rapists breaking in to steal their daughters. So they sit up all night, just watching their front doors. Since 2013, 49 young children, one only 18 months old, have been abducted …

Felicia Kornbluh & Gwendolyn Mink – Poor Mothers Don’t Matter in Welfare Policy

This week marks the 19th anniversary of legislation that conditions income assistance for parents and children on participation in a disciplinary program known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Over the lifetime of the brutal TANF regime, the provision of actual income assistance has been overshadowed by the imposition of rules and services to regulate poor mothers’ lives. As …

Vaccines: Practices, hesitancy among general physicians in France

At population level, vaccines contribute to reducing mortality associated with infectious diseases such as measles, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B or bacterial meningitis. The community general physician, at the centre of this preventive strategy, remains the main source of information for families. In an article published in the journal Ebiomedecine, Pierre Verger (Inserm Unit 912, “Economics and Social Sciences Applied to Health …

Breaking: NJ Vaccine Exemptions Under Attack. Please Act Now!

Who do you want to make your children’s health decisions regarding vaccinating, politicians and lobbyists at your state legislatures or you as a parent? If we don’t act now, we won’t have a choice in the matter… NJ Coalition For Vaccination Choice Press Release (3/11/15): It is very likely that S1147, a bill that will limits and/or removes the use …