Ian Sample – Experts warn home ‘gene editing’ kits pose risk to society

The simplicity and low cost of tools to edit the genetic code means “garage scientists” – or amateurs with some skill – can now perform their own experiments, posing a potential risk from the release of GM bugs, a new report suggests. In a report published on Friday, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics said that the rise in precision “gene …

APRIL McCARTHY – Learning Nutritional Geometry Will Be The Model Of The Future To Understand Health

Learning Nutritional Geometry Will Be The Model Of The Future To Understand Health Considerable research has been aimed at identifying modifiable determinants of chronic diseases. But existing models for measuring health impacts of the human diet are limiting our capacity to solve obesity and its related health problems, claim two of the world’s leading nutritional scientists in their newest research. …

Friendships Better Than Morphine

Friends ‘better than morphine’ – Larger social networks release more pain-killing endorphin, University of Oxford reports People with more friends have higher pain tolerance, Oxford University researchers have found. Katerina Johnson, a doctoral student in the University’s Department of Experimental Psychology, was studying whether differences in our neurobiology may help explain why some of us have larger social networks than others. …