Inducing Psychosis: Who’s the Real “Menace to Society”: Journalist or Leading Psychiatrist? by BRUCE E. LEVINE

On April 26, 2015, Jeffrey Lieberman, former president of the American Psychiatric Association, stirred up controversy by calling investigative journalist Robert Whitaker a “menace to society” on CBC radio because Whitaker, in his book Anatomy of an Epidemic, had challenged the long-term effectiveness of psychiatric medication. But is it Whitaker or Lieberman who has been a menace to society? Lieberman, the APA president through May 2014, …

Leading American Psychiatrist Conducted Disturbing Experiments — and Now He’s Smearing Journo Who Uncovered It – Bruce E. Levine

On April 26, 2015, Jeffrey Lieberman, former president of the American Psychiatric Association, stirred up controversy by calling investigative journalist Robert Whitaker a “menace to society [3]” on CBC radio [4] because Whitaker, in his book Anatomy of an Epidemic [5], had challenged the long-term effectiveness of psychiatric medication. But is it Whitaker or Lieberman who is a menace to society? Lieberman, the APA president through …

China’s Unaddressed Mental Health Problems – CESAR CHELALA

China has a complex history in the treatment of the mentally ill. In 1849, the first mental institutions in the country were founded by Western missionaries. One of them, Dr. John G. Kerr, instituted some principles which are even valid today. Among those principles were the following: mentally ill patients shouldn’t be blamed for their actions; those that were hospitalized …

The Suicide-Mass Murder Connection: A Growing Epidemic

The harsh reality of suicide is shrouded in mystery. Unknown to most Americans is the fact that suicide is sharply on the rise, particularly among the middle-aged. Suicide used to be concentrated primarily among the elderly. The dramatic rise in suicide among the middle-aged is a disturbing new trend over the last ten years. See a related article on the changing patterns and …