Black Agenda Radio – 04.02.18

Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: The cops in Sacramento, California, shot Stephon Clark in the back in his grandmother’s backyard, sparking protests all across the country, including New York City; and, a New Jersey judge sides with the police union, ruling that …

Global Alert News – 03.14.18

The weather makers continue to fully unleash their fury on the planet, further fueling accelerating climate chaos. Rapidly unfolding weather events and scenarios around the world will soon make climate engineering denial all but impossible to maintain even for the most programmed individuals in society. The parade of completely engineered East Coast “winter storms” has continued along with the associated …

Economic Update – Marxism’s Contribution: Unique Social Analysis – 01.28.18

Updates on New York City’s suit against big oil and dumping $5 billion in fossil fuel investments, fast-rising US consumer debt, further attacks on labor and living standards in Greece, collapse of Carillion Corp exposes failure of privatization in UK, and how CVS’ touch-ups of beauty images expose economics of advertising.  Interview with Prof. Bertell Ollman on Marx’s distinctive contributions …

The Organic Gardner Podcast -Epic Tomatoes | Craig LeHoullier | Raleigh, NC – 01.15.18

I AM CRAIG LEHOULLIER. Through the years, I’ve been known as NC Tomatoman. Some know me as the fellow who named Cherokee Purple in 1990. To others, I am the author of the books Epic Tomatoes or Growing Vegetables in Straw Bales, the co-host of Tomatopalooza, a co-leader of the Dwarf Tomato Breeding Project, or just the odd person with a …

Ask The Blood Detective – Healthy Diet Dangers – 01.13.18

From A-Z Dr. Michael Wald, host of Ask The Blood Detective, practically reviews what works and what does not work about the most popular diets. From the Paleo to Ketogenic, Gluten Free, Plant Based, Vegan, Food Combining, Mediterranean Diet, Ph-Balancing Diet and others Dr. Wald uncovers the truths and lies about these diets. Dr. Wald also reveals what lab tests …

Death and Extinction of the Bees

Since 2006 beekeepers have been noticing their honeybee populations have been dying off at increasingly rapid rates. Subsequently researchers have been scrambling to come up with an accurate explanation and an effective strategy to save the bees and in turn save us homo sapiens from extinction. Recent harsh winters that stay freezing cold well into spring have been instrumental in …

Leon F Seltzer Ph.D. – Self-Absorption: The Root of All (Psychological) Evil?

If you’ve ever been called self-absorbed, you can be sure you weren’t getting a compliment. Not only is the root definition of the term negative, but it’s also super-saturated with unfavorable connotations. As generally understood, the concept is pretty much synonymous with self-preoccupied, self-centered, self-obsessed—and even egotistical and selfish. Dictionaries (e.g., House/Collins English Dictionary) define self-absorption unappealingly as “preoccupied …