The Gary Null Show – 08.10.16

Today on The Gary Null Show, Gary goes into a in depth investigated look into NATO and the virus that almost started World War III, Part two of this report will be tomorrow. Gary kicks off this program like always by going to the best news in health and the environment. Some insightful news Gary discuses is how Eating a Mediterranean will benefit Your brain. and how The healthiest eaters are the most culturally ‘fit’.

PETER APPS – Commentary: Here’s how a U.S.-China war could play out

For all the focus on terrorism, one of the most striking features of the last decade is that the risk of war between the world’s major countries has returned. For the first time since the fall of the Berlin wall, military thinkers in the United States, Europe and Asia are putting serious thought into what such a conflict might look …

MARCUS WEISGERBER – Despite Objections, Pentagon Takes Step Toward Buying New Nuclear Weapons

The U.S. Air Force took a first step toward buying controversial new nuclear weapons Friday, asking defense companies to submit bids to design and build cruise missiles and ICBMs. The move comes amid the highest tension with Russia since the end of the Cold War and flies in the face of senators who have called on the Obama administration to cancel plans to build the …

Christoph Schult and Klaus Wiegrefe – Dangerous Propaganda: Network Close To NATO Military Leader Fueled Ukraine Conflict

Working with dubious sourcing, a group close to NATO’s chief military commander Philip Breedlove sought to secure weapons deliveries for Ukraine, a trove of newly released emails revealed. The efforts served to intensify the conflict between the West and Russia. In private, the general likes to wear leather. Philip Mark Breedlove, 60, is a well-known Harley-Davidson fan, and up until …

Prof. Lawrence S. Wittner – The Trillion Dollar “Nuclear Weapons Question” the Media Have Neglected to Ask Presidential Candidates

Isn’t it rather odd that America’s largest single public expenditure scheduled for the coming decades has received no attention in the 2015-2016 presidential debates? The expenditure is for a thirty-year program to “modernize” the U.S. nuclear arsenal and production facilities. Although President Obama began his administration with a dramatic public commitment to build a nuclear weapons-free world, that commitment has long ago …

German foreign minister accuses Nato of ‘warmongering’ against Russia

The German foreign minister has broken ranks with Nato allies, accusing the alliance of “warmongering” against Russia. Frank-Walter Steinmeier spoke out against recent Nato military exercises in Poland and the Baltics, describing them as “sabre-rattling”. “The one thing we shouldn’t do now is inflame the situation with loud sabre-rattling and warmongering,” the minister told Bild am Sonntag newspaper. “Anyone who thinks a …

Ann Wright – Bridging Divides of a New Cold War

I just flew across 11 times zones — from Tokyo, Japan to Moscow, Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth’s inhabited land area, nearly twice as large as the United States and has extensive mineral and energy resources, the largest reserves in the world. Russia has the world’s ninth largest population with over 146.6 million people. The …

Debunking Popular Clichés About Modern Warfare

“What would a war between Russia and the USA look like?” This must be the question which I am most frequently asked. This is also the question to which I hear the most outlandish and ill-informed responses to. I have addressed this question in the past and those interested in this topic can consult the following articles: Remembering the important …

Jonathan Marshall – Escalations in a New Cold War

If the United States ever ends up stumbling into a major conventional or nuclear war with Russia, the culprit will likely be two military boondoggles that refused to die when their primary mission ended with the demise of the Soviet Union: NATO and the U.S. anti-ballistic missile (ABM) program. The “military-industrial complex” that reaps hundreds of billions of dollars annually …

Paul Craig Roberts – How The American Neoconservatives Destroyed Mankind’s Hopes For Peace

When Ronald Reagan turned his back on the neoconservatives, fired them, and had some of them prosecuted, his administration was free of their evil influence, and President Reagan negotiated the end of the Cold War with Soviet President Gorbachev. The military/security complex, the CIA, and the neocons were very much against ending the Cold War as their budgets, power, and …