America’s grand strategy, its long-term blueprint for advancing national interests and countering major adversaries, is in total disarray. Top officials lurch from crisis to crisis, improvising strategies as they go, but rarely pursuing a consistent set of policies. Some blame this indecisiveness on a lack of resolve at the White House, but the real reason lies deeper. It lurks in a disagreement …
NATO announces expansion of military force targeting Russia By Niles Williamson
NATO defense ministers meeting in Brussels Wednesday and Thursday agreed to the enlargement of the organization’s Response Force to 40,000 troops from the current level of 13,000. On Tuesday, ahead of the meeting, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced the positioning of hundreds of American tanks, military vehicles and heavy artillery pieces in the Baltic States as well as Poland, …
Europe’s New Geopolitical Tensions Add to Global Instability By Michael Werbowski
The proverbial doomsday clock is ticking away in Europe. You can hear it getting louder each day? Just this week the Air Force Secretary Deborah James stated the U.S. considers deploying a squadron of F-22 Raptor fighter jets to Europe, in response to what the “western alliance” perceives as being stepped-up “aggression” by Russia in the region. In her stark …
Project Censored – 06.16.15
Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips present a theme on the Risks of Global War— US State Department Propaganda and the US/NATO agenda: They interview Author/activist Steve Lendman about his book Flashpoints in Ukraine and how the US Drive for Hegemony risks World Wart III . Additionally, they talk with Eric Draitser regarding the how the civil war in Syria is now turning into a much larger regional war. Eric Draitser teaches at Hunter College, and is the founder of
US to station troops, heavy weaponry on Russia’s border By Barry Grey
In a brazen move to prepare for war with Russia, the United States is planning to permanently station battle tanks and other heavy weaponry and maintain a force of up to 5,000 US troops in the Baltic States and other Eastern European NATO countries that were once part of the Soviet Union or its periphery. The move, first reported over …
Poll finds mass opposition in Europe to war drive vs. Russia over Ukraine By Alex Lantier
The findings of a poll published yesterday by the Washington, DC-based Pew Research Center, showing broad opposition in Europe to a NATO war with Russia, underscore the anti-democratic character of the US-led war drive against Russia over Ukraine. The poll was formulated to elicit answers as favorable as possible to US and NATO policy, particularly in regard to a possible …
German Banker: Obama Is Destroying Europe By Eric Zuesse
Interviewed on June 6th by German Economic News, the chief economist at Bremer Landesbank, Folker Hellmeyer, says that because of Obama’s sanctions against Russia, German exports declined year-over-year by 18% in 2014, and by 34% in the first two months of 2015 (no later figures), but he asserts that “The damage is much more comprehensive than these statistics show,” because those are only the “primary losses,” and …
March Toward Global War by NORMAN POLLACK
The New York Times (NYT) is a trusted source of Administration thinking, particularly in foreign policy, more, an uncanny, sensitive barometer of deep-lying structural-military-diplomatic events which are presently culminating, beyond the New Cold War brewing since Clinton’s international posture in Europe and the Pacific, in the actuality of heated confrontation directed against both Russia and China. Under Obama, the page …
Swedish politician: US is the true cause of the masses of refugees from the Middle East
The present Swedish debate about war refugees from the Middle East is an example of peer restricted expression. In the name of political correctness or perceived decency, any questioning of maximum generosity in opening Swedish borders for the refugees is indignantly rejected by the official mainstream. We have a humanitarian duty towards those who are forced to flee from areas …
Senior NATO Official Claims We’ll Be at War by Summer – Joshua Krause
Last week, former NSA intelligence analyst John Schindler posted a rather disturbing tweet. With a statement that one could only assume to be a reference towards Russia, Schindler wrote “Said a senior NATO (non-US) GOFO to me today: “We’ll probably be at war this summer. If we’re lucky it won’t be nuclear.” Let that sink in.” So who is John Schindler? …