National Geographic’s corporate-corrupted war on REALITY: how a once-upstanding mag now betrays humanity to push toxic poisons of advertisers

The cover of this month’s National Geographic magazine is causing some major controversy among the cognitively aware, as this once-upstanding and generally unbiased nature periodical has quite obviously fallen headlong into the clutches of corporate-controlled propaganda and lies. Outlining what it says are some of the basic tenets of “The War on Science,” National Geographic likens having concerns about the safety of vaccines, fluoride, …

Lack of food safety killing 2.2 mn every year

Lack of government policies on food and water safety is causing the death of 2.2 million people, including children, every year across the globe, health experts said on Sunday. They said the use of pesticides and fertilizers in the past 50 years has grown nearly 170 times. As a consequence, persistent residues of the chemicals contaminate food and disperse in …

“Their Sky Has Changed!” Inuit elders sharing information with NASA regarding Earth’s “WOBBLE”

We are all obsessed with the weather here in the West and rightly so with the unusual weather we have had to endure recently, extreme has become the new norm but what about our brothers and sisters living on the Canadian Arctic circle? Inuit knowledge and climate change was discussed by delegates at the recent global warming summit in Copenhagen …

White House Petition Against Mandatory Vaccination Reaches 100,000 Signature Threshold — Will Obama Respond?

The petition up on against mandatory vaccinations — the one the White House tried to bury — has, at the time of writing this, reached well over the 100,000 signatures needed by March 6th in order to supposedly garner a response from our president’s administration. The petition is short, sweet, and to the point: No human being should be FORCED to be vaccinated against …