The Gary Null Show – 04.22.16

Today is Earth Day and we have a special “The Gary Null Show” with great world guests discuss Earth. Here is a little about them:

Guest 1:

Dr. Vandana Shiva is an internationally renowned environmental and social activist and a leading pioneer behind India’s ecological and eco-feminism movement. Dr. Shiva is the founder of Navdanya – an organization dedicated to the restoration of organic farming across India and the preservation of indigenous knowledge and culture. For several decades, Vandana has fought for changes in agricultural practices and food security. She has traveled the world speaking on behalf of women’s rights and against biopiracy, globalization and patenting of indigenous knowledge by large agricultural and pharmaceutical corporations. Her activist efforts have created grassroots organizations throughout the developing world to counter GMOs and empower women. She has received numerous international awards, including the Alternative Nobel Prize (the Right Livelihood Award), the UNEP’s Global 500 Award and the UN’s Earth Day International Award. Among her many important books are “Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability and Peace” and most recently “Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development” Her websites are and

Guest 2:

Derrick Jensen has become one of the nation’s leading voices of cultural and environmental dissent, who writes on how civilization is devastating the environment and the natural world, and our society’s denial of that fact. Utne Reader listed Derrick among the 50 visionaries changing the world. In sharp contrast to environmental optimists who believe working within the corporate system will offset the tenuous planetary balance threatened by climate change, Derrick has advocated for many years a “dismantling of civilization” which can include radical dissent as well as imparting wisdom to our children.

Derrick has written many books including “The Derrick Jensen Reader: Writings on Environmental Revolution” and his forthcoming “The Myth of Human Supremacy” will be released next month. He also hosts a weekly radio program, Resistance Radio, on the Progressive Radio Network every Sunday evening at 6:00 pm Eastern time. His website is

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