The Gary Null Show – 07.13.17

Today is July 13th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment and all things political around the world. Gary sets time aside today to play an audio clip where Ben Swann of Truth in Media defines ISIS and its creation. Download this episode (right click and …

Leid Stories—Medgar Evers’ Widow, Myrlie Evers-Williams, Called In to Shield Hillary Clinton at Commencement Ceremony; What U.S. Senate Panel Won’t Be Asking James Comey—06.07.17

To blunt vigorous student and community protest against Hillary Clinton at Medgar Evers College’s 45th commencement ceremony tomorrow, Myrlie Evers-Wiliams, widow of the assassinated civil-rights leader after whom the college is named, will introduce her “dear friend,” who is to deliver the commencement address and receive an honorary doctorate Former FBI director James Comey, fired May 9 by President Donald …

Trends This Week – Prestitutes take over The Presidential Reality Show – 09.14.16

Coverage of Hillary Clinton’s “cough,” Donald Trump’s tweets and Matt Lauer’s widely-slammed handling of separate prime-time forums with the presidential candidates hammers home just how clueless and gutless the media are in holding these candidates accountable. The presstitutes have not the will, skill or stomach to ask real questions or demand real answers. The race is a reality show and the media are carnival barkers.

Greg Palast – The GOP’s Stealth War Against Voters

When Donald Trump claimed, “the election’s going to be rigged,” he wasn’t entirely wrong. But the threat was not, as Trump warned, from Americans committing the crime of “voting many, many times.” What’s far more likely to undermine democracy in November is the culmination of a decade-long Republican effort to disenfranchise voters under the guise of battling voter fraud. The …

Michael Snyder – As Predicted, Obamacare Is Absolutely Killing The Middle Class

The critics of Obamacare have been proven right.  The Obama administration promised that health insurance premiums would go down.  Instead, they have absolutely skyrocketed.  The Obama administration promised that Obamacare would not kill jobs.  Instead, firms are hiring fewer workers because of suffocating health care costs.  As you will see below, even the Federal Reserve is admitting this.  The Obama …

What Women Must Know – How 5,000 Veterans Used the Ancient Secrets of Yoga to Reclaim their Lives And You Can, Too with Eric Walrabenstein – 08.11.16

Eric Walrabenstein is an author, speaker, and nationally-recognized educator in the fields of yoga, mindfulness, and mind-body wellness. Specializing in the translation of ancient wisdom for modern times, Eric is an expert in the practical application of mind-body technologies from yoga, meditation, and mindfulness for artful, happy, and stress-free living in modern life. In addition to his work with our military members and veterans, Eric is the founder of Yoga Pura, one of the Arizona’s largest yoga and wellness centers, and is the president of BetterBox, a first-of-its-kind company specializing in the creation of customized personal-development experiences. His work has been widely featured in the media including on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, Success magazine, Yoga Journal, and more. He is the author of Waging Inner Peace: How 5,000 Veterans Used the Ancient Secrets of Yoga and Meditation to Reclaim their Lives And You Can, Too

RALPH NADER – How Unpatriotic is Donald Trump?

Samuel Johnson famously considered patriotism “the last refuge of a scoundrel.” His biographer James Boswell, who passed along that judgment, clarified that Johnson “did not mean a real and generous love for our country, but that pretended patriotism which so many, in all ages and countries, have made a cloak for self-interest.” This could be describing Donald Trump. And yet …

DAVE LINDORFF – What is Bernie Up To?

I sure don’t know, and I’m sure that Hillary Clinton and her campaign managers are wondering too. In today’s New York Times, the independent socialist Senator from Vermont published a hard-hitting opinion-page piece attacking presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, but really targeting Democratic Party leaders, super delegates, and the Democrats’ presumptive nominee Clinton — though he carefully avoided naming her. Significantly, Sanders, …

Carlos Lozada – How Clinton and Obama tried to run the world — while trying to manage each other

There is something about the relationship between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama that fascinates Washington journalists — and then stymies them. In 2009, we learned that NBC’s Chuck Todd was writing a book about Obama and Clinton, a “nuanced analytical narrative” of their political relationship, according to Todd’s agent. By the time “The Stranger”came out in 2014, though, it had devolved into a …

Robert Parry – Democrats March Toward Cliff

As Democratic-insider “super-delegates” give Hillary Clinton a seemingly insurmountable lead for the presidential nomination, the former Secretary of State’s negative ratings continue to soar to stunning levels, hitting a net 24-point unfavorable in the new NBC-Wall Street Journal poll. It is hard to imagine someone who is viewed unfavorably by a clear majority of voters (56 percent) and with a net-negative …