Joshua Holland – Are We Training Cops to Be Hyper-Aggressive ‘Warriors’?

Race dominated the coverage of the 2014 shooting of John Crawford. Crawford was a young black man gunned down by white cops in a Beaverton Creek, Ohio, Walmart as he talked to his girlfriend on the phone while absentmindedly holding a BB gun he had grabbed from a store shelf. Ohio is an “open-carry” state where it’s perfectly legal to …

Jim Lobe – Neocons Launch 2016 Manifesto

A mostly neoconservative group of national-security analysts have published perhaps the first comprehensive outline of what they believe a Republican foreign policy should look like as of Inauguration Day 2017. It’s titled “Choosing to Lead: American Foreign Policy for a Disordered World.”Although it concedes that “there are limitations on American power,” according to the book’s “Forward” by former George W. Bush …

Nick Pinto – Why Can’t We End Mass Incarceration?

On October 6th, news reports heralded a historic development: The world’s largest incarcerator, the United States of America, was about to make the largest one-time release of prisoners in its history. The U.S. Justice Department announced that it would be releasing some 6,000 inmates from federal prisons before the end of their original sentences. It’s the first wave of an …

Charles Pierce – Was Pope Francis Actually Swindled into Meeting Kim Davis?

I spent a little time Wednesday night examining my conscience, as we used to say around the ol’ confessional, as regards the meeting between Papa Francesco and noted civic layabout Kim Davis. This contemplation was prompted by two things: first, an e-conversation I had with someone who had been part of the papal travelling party and second, the appearance of …

Leid Stories – 09.21.15

Ben Carson: So Fanatical, So Bigoted, So Wrong, On So Many Levels

The Mysterious 23-Month Gap In Hillary Clinton’s Haiti Emails

Republican presidential candidate and self-professed man of God Ben Carson has made it plain: The nation’s highest office should be off-limits to Muslims. Further, he contends Islam is not “consistent” with the U.S. Constitution.

Zahra Billoo, executive director of the Bay Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, weighs in on Carson.

Of the 7,945 emails of former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made public so far, 391 pertain to Haiti—a country at the heart of several questionable political and financial dealings involving the Democratic presidential candidate and her family.

Kim Ives, cofounder of the international weekly newspaper Haïti Liberté, discusses a mysterious 23-month gap in Clinton’s emails on Haiti.

The Gary Null Show – 08.06.15

Gerald Celente is one of today’s pioneers in trend strategy. He founded the Trends Research Institute in Kingston NY and is the publisher of the Trends Journal that has been published since 1980. He has since become one of the nation’s most sought after diagnosticians and forecasters He is also the founder of Trends TV, which provides monthly videos and analysis of current events and their likely direction and outcome. His institute also hosts frequent peace, prosperity and trends conferences. Gerald’s insights have been sought for by major networks, PBS and BBC, Russian TV, and publications such as the Economist and major newspapers. His website is

Viruses: You’ve heard the bad — here’s the good

“The word, virus, connotes morbidity and mortality, but that bad reputation is not universally deserved,” said Marilyn Roossinck, PhD, Professor of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology and Biology at the Pennsylvania State University, University Park. “Viruses, like bacteria, can be important beneficial microbes in human health and in agriculture,” she said. Her review of the current literature on beneficial viruses …

Syrian Rebels Caught in ‘False-Flag’ Kidnapping of NBC Correspondent – Robert Parry

In December 2012, Syria’s U.S.-backed “moderate” rebels pulled off a false-flag kidnapping and “rescue” of NBC’s chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel and his crew, getting the crime blamed on a militia tied to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a propaganda scam that NBC played along with despite having evidence of the truth. On Wednesday, Engel, who had blamed an Assad-linked Shiite militia …

A Happy Life or a Meaningful One? They Are Not the Same

Americans and the American social scientists who study them are obsessed withhappiness. What gets less attention is the perhaps deeper experience of meaningfulness. The two experiences are correlated – people who feel happy often feel that their lives are meaningful. Yet, a happy life is not the same as a meaningful one. In research(link is external) designed to distinguish between a happy …