Expat Files – 02.26.16

– Many 1st World Gringos and Expats come down to Latin America with a shortage of cash and resources, and some with perhaps with just enough dough to live for a period of 6 months to a year or so. One of the quickest and easiest job options for them is an English teaching job. In that area there are four good and sure options to choose from. That said, today we’ll answer one of the many emails that specifically addresses the subject of teaching English in Latin America…

-After a year or so on the job, about half the Gringo English teachers in Latin American private k-12 schools end up finding a niche that turns into a nice business opportunity. On the other hand, half of the Gringo English teachers stay on the job for years with no desire to leave. So even if they stumble on a great business idea or two or three (and most eventually do), they still don’t bother to chase the carrot. Why? Because in Latin America teachers (especially Gringo teachers) are respected and admired by both parents and kids alike (what a unique concept!) Today we provide some stories and proof of concept…

-You certainly know, and are probably quite irritated, about the great illegal migration of uneducated, unwashed masses from Latin America- coming to a neighborhood near you. Still, everyone wonders how dirt poor people can afford to pay the $2000 to $10000 it costs to hire a “coyote” to get them across safely. People rightly ask, if they can scrape together that kind of dough why are they in such a hurry to leave? The fact is in the states today, half of the average adult population can’t even scrape together $500 in cash!

Today we’ll get to see exactly how poor Latins gather up the necessary dough. You’ll certainly be surprised…

Interview with Brett Tolley of Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance and Slow Fish – 02.25.16

Brett Tolley is from a four-generation fishing family from Massachusetts. He is currently the Community Organizer for the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance, working at the intersection of marine conservation and social justice. He is on the board of directors for Farm to Institution New England (FINE) and serves on the core team helping to grow the Slow Fish USA network. He currently lives in Brooklyn, NY.

NDC Savings Club – 02.24.16

Edward Larry Gordon “Laraaji” pursued his dream of becoming a Musician and humanitarian artist from a very early age in the Coastal town of Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Learning to play Piano, Violin, and Trombone, along with singing and performing in church and school choirs, bands and orchestras. His high school scholastic talents and enthusiasm for creating new music won him scholarships to study music at Howard University School of Fine Arts in Washington, DC during the mid 1960’s.

Laraaji moved to New York City to pursue a double career in comedic acting and music. During these several years of mild success in both careers he received a strong inner call to explore alternative spiritual practices including transcendental meditation, mind science, yoga-meditation, trance journeying and contemplative creativity …… eventually his lifestyle became one of devotional inner practice and creative inspiration. During the mid 70’s, following an inner sound vision he set out to create a new musical sound involving a modified 36 string AutoHarp, alternative tunings and innovative music Electronics.

Laraaji serves as senior faculty presenter at the prestigious International Healing Sounds Intensive founded by pioneer sound healing musician Jonathan Goldman, held annually in Colorado, for most of its 19 years.

His blogspot HTTP://LARAAJI.BLOGSPOT.COM contains most of the currently available titles and lists many of Laraaji’s current and upcoming performances and events.

Leid Stories – 02.24.16

Follies 2016: The Duopoly Is Taking Care of Business. What’s Our Plan?

As Democrats and Republicans rev up their pitched battle for the White House, candidates are looking for even greater momentum in their individual campaigns with Super Tuesday’s (March 1) contests in 12 states. Half the number of delegates needed for both parties’ nominations will be won that day—632 for Republicans; 1,007 for Democrats. The duopoly is taking care of business and proceeding according to plan. But Leid Stories asks: “What’s our plan?”

The Gary Null Show – 02.24.16 – Special 1 Hour and 40 Minute Show Today

A look at the medical evidence behind the assassination of President John F Kennedy.

1. William Matson Law has been researching the assassination of John F Kennedy for over 25 years. The results of his research have appeared in over 30 books, including Douglas Horne’s magnum opus Inside the Assassination Records Review Board. Law is the producer of the award-winning documentary RFK, writer, director/producer of the film The Gathering, served as consultant to director Brian McKenna for his theatrical film, Killing Kennedy, and worked extensively with bestselling author Matthew Smith’s upcoming book about the death of Marilyn Monroe, MARILYN: Murder by Political Entanglement Or How Murder became Suicide in the Three Missing Hours. His most recent book is “In the Eye of History: Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence” which includes extensive, in depth research and interviews with those present with JFK’s body during those several days before the funeral.


James (Jim) Jenkins was in the military at the time of the of the JFK assassination and participated throughout the Kennedy’s autopsy at the Bethesda Naval Hospital as an autopsy technician. Following his service Jim received degrees in clinical pathology and combined clinical sciences.

3. Hugh Clark was a member of the naval honor guard that escorted President Kennedy’s body to Arlington Cemetery for burial. He has also served as an investigator for the United Nations and has served as a director of alcohol and substance abuse residences until his retirement in 2008.

Progressive Commentary Hour – 02.23.16

Gary discusses Hilary Clinton and all the different scandals she has been involved in. Here are just a few of those scandals:

Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

Looting the White House

Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies

Vince Foster’s 1993 death

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons

Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions

Hill ca$hes in: Iranian fundraising

Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost

Love Lust And Laughter – 02.23.16

Sexual Energy Experts – Doctors Rob and Janelle Alex – are mentoring couples around the world. They are best selling authors, speakers and hosts of the top-rated Mission Date Night podcast (www.missiondatenight.com). Dr. Diana interviewed Drs. Rob and Janelle about Sexy Secrets Behind Business. Your romantic relationship and your sex life have great impact on your business and your career whether it’s a conscious effort or not. When your romantic relationship and your sex life are thriving you’ll have more confidence, be more productive, tap into more creativity and feel happier on the whole. We also discussed Dr. Rob’s dissertation: Orgasmic Laughter: Sex and Humor are Unexpected Portals to the Universe. This couple really knows how to have a playfully passionate and sexy relationship! They are also amazing teachers. Part 2 on March 15th will focus on Merging Sexuality and Spirituality.