Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing, In the second part of the program Gary goes into a very inpowerful commentary. To wrap up the show Gary speaks with Kevin Kamps on Update on Fukushima and the severity of its nuclear leakage. Kevin Kamps the specialist in Radioactive Waste Storage and nuclear …
Gary Kohls – Urgent Alert: The “21st Century Cures Act” That Will Expand the Use of Coerced Drug “Treatments”
URGENT ACTION ALERT On November 30th, the House passed HR 34, a 996-page bill, known as the 21st Century Cures Act. They are now rushing to get it introduced and passed by the Senate on Monday, December 5th, at 5:30 EST. This bill must be defeated because it contains some very dangerous provisions relating to psychiatric treatments. This is an urgent call …
A Just Cause – Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Senator Harry Reid – 10.16.16
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Senator Harry Reid for Nevada, who is the Democratic Leader in the U.S. Senate and someone that has earned the respect of colleagues from both parties. He is also a powerful advocate for Nevada families. Every day Senator Reid puts his leadership position to work to deliver meaningful results for all Nevadans.
Harvey Wasserman – How Nuclear Power Causes Global Warming
upporters of nuclear power like to argue that nukes are the key to combatting climate change. Here’s why they are dead wrong. Every nuclear generating station spews about two-thirds of the energy it burns inside its reactor core into the environment. Only one-third is converted into electricity. Another tenth of that is lost in transmission. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists: Nuclear fission is the …
Joseph Erbentraut – The West May Not Be So Doomed On Water After All
It can be difficult to see any bright side when it comes to the water challenges facing the western U.S. Whether it’s the severe drought going on its fifth year or the nation’s largest reservoir, Lake Mead, hitting a historically low water level, there are many valid reasons to be concerned about the region’s dwindling water supplies. That’s particularly true for the 40 million people across seven …
Leid Stories – The Democratic Party’s Utterly Undemocratic Convention in Nevada; How Progressives Conspire to Thwart Progress – 05.16.16
The Nevada Democratic Convention ended in chaos Saturday, after 16 hours of backroom dealing by party hacks to produce the desired result: Nevada is Hillary country. In one of the most flagrant examples of vote fixing in this election cycle, state bosses scuttled the party’s own rules and ran roughshod over any semblance of fairness in the Clinton-Sanders battle for delegates. It was a patently fraudulent process that yielded a fraudulent result, but it appears to sit well with the Democratic Party leadership, which is decidedly pro-Clinton.
Dr. James Petras, Bartle professor emeritus of sociology at Binghamton University and author of more than 62 books and 600 scholarly papers on imperialism and global oppression, notes that “progressives” have a sordid history of offering themselves as alternatives to the system when in fact they are political acolytes working with the system to thwart progress.
BARRY LANDO – Perilous Unknowns: the Mental Health of Presidential Candidates
It’s become normal for Americans to demand—and receive-a professional assessment of the physical health of the candidates for president—just as they expect updates on the medical state of the president himself. After all, there have been many infamous cases of presidents, from Franklin Roosevelt to Jack Kennedy, who secretly endured serious debilitating illnesses. Thus, the current crop of presidential hopefuls …
Les Leopold – Think Again Hillary Democrats: 10 Reasons Why She Could Lose this Fall
The media tells us that Hillary has a lock on the nomination. That news should make her supporters extremely nervous, and not because the prognosticators have been wrong so many times already. All Democrats should worry because her major policy and character flaws could leave us with a Republican president this fall. Here’s why. 1. The Senator from Wall Street: This …
Marjorie Cohn – Hillary’s Link to Honduran Violence
A critical difference between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton is their position on whether children who fled violence in Central American countries, particularly Honduras, two years ago should be allowed to stay in the United States or be returned. Sen. Sanders states unequivocally that they should be able to remain in the U.S. Former Secretary of State Clinton disagrees. She …
Jon Schwarz – Hillary Clinton Has Long History of Collaboration With GOP on Foreign Policy
Several members of the Republican foreign policy elite recently announcedthey’ll refuse to vote for Donald Trump if he’s the Republican nominee – with some going so far as to say they’d rather vote for Hillary Clinton. And while you may be shocked to see ideology so easily trump party affiliation, you shouldn’t be. Take a look, for instance, at this New York Times article from 2014. …