Visionaries – 11.06.17

“Christopher Vogler:” Chris is a Hollywood development executive known for his 2007 book “The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure For Writers,” a guide for screenwriters. The book grew out of his now legendary 7 page memo, “A Practical Guide to Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” Chris’s approach not only reveals the mythic patterns underlying our movies, but also …

Kelly Brogan – What’s the Point of Health?

When the body comes into harmony, it’s more than just symptom relief, it’s an opportunity to come into yourself and ascend that ladder. I used to be an atheist, in fact, I used to be a self-described “belligerent atheist”.  I thought that religious dogma was the outgrowth of fear and unresolved parental issues. Certainly, much modern religion has lost touch …

Atheists’ self-defeating superiority: Why joining forces with religion is best for non-believers

I’ve written before about the root causes of religious conflict — in a nutshell: it is not about what many people would like you to think it’s about — but I realized recently that I had still been missing part of the picture picture, because I wasn’t accounting for what happens when people get caught up in narrowly tribalistic thinking. If there’s …