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The Gary Null Show – 05.04.17
War and conflict as a commodity for the transnational capital elite and class and the new emerging globalized society Prof William Robinson is Professor of Sociology at the University of California at Santa Barbara. He is also on the university’s faculty of Latin American Studies and in the Global and International Studies Program. He describes himself as a scholar-activist, who is deeply involved …
Leid Stories—How Much Longer, the old Democrats-Republicans Equation?—03.13.17
Election 2016 offered proof that millions of voters had had it with a tone-deaf two-party system that seemed woefully out of step with their America. They served notice in many ways—switching parties, not voting, supporting independent candidates and movements instead—and created momentum for new political possibilities and choices.
But as the dust settled after the election, it seems things have returned to their “original” state, with politics largely a matter concerning Democrats and Republicans.
Visionaries – 03.06.17
Visionaries – 03.06.17 March 6, 2017
“Do We Need College, Part 2.” Today we continue our discussion from last week: Suppose an 18-year-old came to you and asked, “I have $100,000+ and 4 years. What should I do with them?” Obviously college is great for some people, but is it the right choice for everyone? More thoughts today.
Some scientific explanations for alien abduction that aren’t so out of this world
Accounts of mysterious flashing lights in the sky, spacecrafts and encounters with “real” aliens reflect high levels of public interest in UFOs and the belief that there is “something out there”. However, many psychologists are less convinced, and think they can provide more down-to-earth, scientific explanations. Belief in aliens has increased steadily since the birth of modern alien research in …
Resistance Radio – Mary Lou Singleton – 01.15.17
Mary Lou Singleton is a deep ecologist, radical midwife and women’s liberation activist. She practiced as a homebirth midwife for over 15 years and currently provides primary health care as a family nurse practitioner in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mary Lou believes that birth is a sacred rite of passage and that preserving wild human birth is integral to the struggle for the preservation of all wild systems on Earth.
Expat Files – 01.06.17
#1- Here’s why Mexico City is becoming a world cyber-crime capital…
Bob Henson – Autumn 2016: Warmest in U.S. Weather History
The autumn of 2016 was the warmest ever observed in records going back to 1895 for the 48 contiguous U.S. states, according to data released on Wednesday by NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). The nation’s average September-to-November temperature of 57.63°F was a full 1.05°F above the previous autumn record, set way back in 1963, and it was 4.08°F …
Mary Lou Shaw – Preparing Fruit Trees for Winter
You’ve pruned your fruit trees in early spring then harvested fruit through the summer and autumn. Before heading into the warm indoors, take time to prepare your fruit trees for winter. This includes giving them protection from cold temperatures, rodents, infections and even the sun. The following three steps will help insure healthy trees for your next year’s harvest: Mulching fruit …
It’s Our Money – Making Our Money Do What We Want – 11.16.16
Making Our Money Do What We Want