Dave Johnson – Don’t Be Misled; The TPP Is Still Coming Full Steam

Recently there have been news reports that Republicans are going to delay TPP until after the 2016 elections. Do not be misled; this is a bargaining ploy. They want the Obama administration to make “side agreements” that give corporations even more. We have to keep up the fight, and keep getting the word out. People opposed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership …

Mark Hertsgaard – The Fate of the World Changed in Paris—but by How Much?

Thanks a lot, Republicans. You weren’t in Paris physically, but you still managed to prevent last week’s global climate summit from reaching an agreement that would give humanity a better than iffy chance of avoiding catastrophic sea-level rise, scorching temperatures, and killer floods and drought in the years ahead. An iffy chance is better than none, and government and civil-society …

It’s All About Food – Liz Ross and Keith Mullin – 10.13.15

Part I: Liz Ross, Coalition of Vegan Activists of Color
Liz Ross is the founder of Coalition of Vegan Activists of Color (COVAC), which collaborates with individuals and community organizations to mobilize vegans of color to initiate vegan outreach and animal rights initiatives. COVAC also promotes veganism while collaborating with other social justice organizations. Liz serves on the advisory board of Food Empowerment Project, a vegan food justice organization that encourages healthy food choices that reflect a more compassionate society.

Part II: Keith Mullin, Zippy’s

Developing trendsetting products for over 20 years, Keith Mullin has developed unique, crave worthy, consumer packaged goods including the award winning Gamer Grub®, a snack formulated for videogame enthusiasts. As a serial entrepreneur, his innovative items in the marketplace also include children’s toys, electronics, and pet products. Mullin has successfully developed products for the undiscovered ‘white space’ within multiple industries.

Leid Stories – 09.02.15

Radioactive Waste Dump in Texas Threatens U.S. Water Supply

The Big Fix: What Ails America and How to Fix It

Highly radioactive waste from nuclear power plants in 36 states is being dumped in a remote area in West Texas, just outside the small town of Andrews. The dumping will continue until a massive hole in the ground dug for that purpose is filled. The nuclear-waste graveyard, however, sits atop the Ogallala Aquifer, the world’s second-largest underground water supply, covering an area of 174,000 square miles.

Independent, award-winning journalist Paul DeRienzo—who had done a six-part series (“America’s Fukushima”) on Leid Stories about the nation’s largest ecological disaster caused by massive contamination from the Hanford Site, a sprawling nuclear-reactor complex on the Columbia River in south-central Washington state—reveals an elaborate scheme by governmental officials and a politically connected waste-disposal company to hide from the public the clear and present danger of massive contamination of the Ogallala Aquifer.

Leid Stories listeners identify top problems confronting the nation and offer workable solutions.

Michael Krieger – American Food Banks Struggle to Keep Up Amidst “Surprising” Demand

Food banks across the country are seeing a rising demand for free groceries despite the growing economy, leading some charities to reduce the amount of food they offer each family. U.S. food banks are expected to give away about 4 billion pounds of food this year, more than double the amount provided a decade ago, according to Feeding America, the …

Paul Craig Roberts – The Social Cost of Capitalism

Few, if any, corporations absorb the full cost of their operations. Corporations shove many of their costs onto the environment, the public sector, and distant third parties. For example, currently 3 million gallons of toxic waste water from a Colorado mine has escaped and is working its way down two rivers into Utah and Lake Powell. At least seven city …

The 30,000-pound bomb that could be used against Iran’s nuclear facilities ‘boggles the mind’ – JEREMY BENDER

Negotiators are working toward a June 30 deadline for a comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran. Should the negotiations ultimately fail and the talks fall apart, the Obama administration and any future US president will have what Michael Crowley of Politico describes as an awe-inspiring “plan B” — the Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP). According to Crowley, the US has practiced at least three attack …

The Plague Comes Back from the Dead in Colorado – Robert Harrington

This recent headline is concerning on the face of it, but how serious really is the potential for the spread of the plague? Actually the plague has been around practically forever with cases usually occurring between late Spring and early Fall. The states of Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico are the only three that produce cases due to flea bites. …

You Calling Me Crazy? The Perils of Misdiagnosis By Lisa Di Venuta

This article has been supported by the journalism non-profit Economic Hardship Reporting Project [3]. I am 23 years old, yet I have already lost five years of my life to the full-time job of being crazy. It began innocently enough; I went to my student health center at American University to speak to a counselor about some mild depression. The university counseling center was overcrowded, so I …