Nature Bats Last – 12.01.15

Mike and Guy interviewed Gail “the Actuary” Tverberg for her well-informed perspective on economic collapse. We included on an extensive climate-change update and comments about COP21 in Paris.

Brent Blackwelder – Time To Stop Worshipping Economic Growth

There are physical limits to growth on a finite planet. In 1972, the Club of Rome issued their groundbreaking report—Limits to Growth (twelve million copies in thirty-seven languages). The authors predicted that by about 2030, our planet would feel a serious squeeze on natural resources, and they were right on target. In 2009, the Stockholm Resilience Center introduced the concept …

Let’s talk about Hillary Clinton and the Historical Record – Nomi Prins

On March 10th, after eight days of anticipation, media and political uproar, the world fell privy to Hillary Clinton “breaking her silence” (aside from the stray tweet beforehand) regarding her decision to conduct government business from her personal email address while Secretary of State – for ‘convenience’ purposes. There are basically two opinion camps that have formed around email-gate. …