Progressive Radio Network

New Scientist

Dr. Fritjof Capra is a physicist and systems theorist, an educator and activist and author of many international bestselling works dealing with emerging scientific principles…
The world is now halfway towards the internationally-agreed safety limit of a maximum 2°C rise in global average temperatures, researchers say. That limit seeks to…
The New Scientist Health published a rather interesting article regarding a thousand-year-old, 9th century Anglo-Saxon ‘antibiotic’ remedy for curing an eye disease, the stye. 

For years, Wikipedia has been a prime source of misinformation (or perhaps disinformation) about natural health. Now we worry about what Google is up to. Action…
While most of us have been busy thinking about net neutrality, guess what Google has been doing. The leading search engine has decided to change the…
“…if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth.”(1984, George Orwell) The New Scientist has the stunning…