Dr. Fritjof Capra is a physicist and systems theorist, an educator and activist and author of many international bestselling works dealing with emerging scientific principles that can alter our inadequate and dsfunctional worldviews and the ethics of society. Many listeners may remember his book The Tao of Physics, one of the most important books of the 1970s to introduce the properties of physics and its synergy with spiritual insights and teachings in Eastern mysticism. For the past 40 years Dr Capra has been researching the shift of worldviews and paradigms and how this might lead to a new vision of reality that would bring forth a cultural transformation. He is currently the founding director of the Center for Ecoliteracy in Berkeley California, a fellow at Schumacher College in the UK, and serves on the Council of the Earth Charter Initiative. He holds degrees in theoretical physics from the University of Vienna and has worked on high energy physics at the Universities of Paris, London, Stanford and at the Lawrence Livermore Labs at the Berkeley. His most recent book “The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision”is perhaps the most comprehensive textbook to understanding how the emerging discipline of systems theory can inform and recreate our perceptions and actions in just about everything in our lives. His website is FritjofCapra.net
Alex Kirby – Global temperatures have risen by 1°C in the past 150 years, and one scientist says doubling that level could unleash catastrophic sea level rise this century.
The world is now halfway towards the internationally-agreed safety limit of a maximum 2°C rise in global average temperatures, researchers say. That limit seeks to prevent the global warming caused by the burning of fossil fuels exceeding 2°C above the pre-industrial global temperature. The UN’s Paris climate summit later this year aims to ensure that it is not breached. It …
Proof That Past Is Prologue Pharmacologically
The New Scientist Health published a rather interesting article regarding a thousand-year-old, 9th century Anglo-Saxon ‘antibiotic’ remedy for curing an eye disease, the stye. The amazing aspect of the story, in my opinion, is that modern scientists are figuratively ‘gassed’ about the recipe’s ability to have killed off 90 percent of the MRSA infection in a controlled laboratory test with …
Will Google Game the System against Natural Health?
For years, Wikipedia has been a prime source of misinformation (or perhaps disinformation) about natural health. Now we worry about what Google is up to. Action Alert! [1] Our reading of Wikipedia coverage of natural health is that at some point it was captured by interests very hostile to it, as we discussed in depth five years ago [2]. The result is material about …
Google’s New Algorithm Will Only Show You ‘What They Say Is True’
While most of us have been busy thinking about net neutrality, guess what Google has been doing. The leading search engine has decided to change the criteria it uses for ranking content on the internet, so that content will no longer be ranked by popularity, as it has been since the beginning. The new ranking system will instead use what it has …
Breaking: Google gives new meaning to “Orwellian” — Becomes Ministry of Truth
“…if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth.”(1984, George Orwell) The New Scientist has the stunning story (2/28/15, “Google wants to rank websites based on facts not links,” by Hal Hodson): “THE internet is stuffed with garbage. Anti-vaccination websites make the front page of Google, and fact-free ‘news’ stories spread like wildfire. Google …