Neuroscientist and former psychedelic researcher Matthew Baggot talks about anxious mysticism, the MAPS conference, the default mode network, and the blind spots within psychedelic research. Download this episode (right click and save)
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 01.04.17
My guest, Reality Therapist Robert Wubbolding EdD, and I address how to make choices for a better year ahead in 2017. Bob offers practical steps to ensure your choices come out well and we both give examples of good choice making. We also talk about what stops us from making rational choices, both the outside impediments and our internals emotional blocks. It’s about the freedom to choose. This hour can help you to make and keep your New Year’s resolutions, and improve all your future decision-making. Happy New Year to all my listeners!
Is There Such a Thing as an Emotional Hangover? NYU Researchers Find that There is
Emotional experiences can induce physiological and internal brain states that persist for long periods of time after the emotional events have ended, a team of New York University scientists has found. This study, which appears in the journal Nature Neuroscience, also shows that this emotional “hangover” influences how we attend to and remember future experiences. “How we remember events is …
Why sex gets better in older age
Aging is generally associated with improvements in our quality of life: We become more proficient in our work, learn how to manage our finances better and our bonds with loved ones deepen. With time and practice, most of the core domains of our lives improve as we develop skills and strategies to manage our lives with more mastery. An exception …
Visionaries – 12.12.16
“Ivan Shumkov and MOOCs.” Ivan is a New York based architect, entrepreneur, professor, scholar and curator who talks with us about MOOCs — Massive Open Online Courses that are disrupting education. Ivan is a pioneer in online education and founder of the Build Academy, providing professional education for the building industry. He earned his PhD in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and Columbia University GSAPP. Ivan has taught at NYU, Harvard University GSD, Pratt Institute School of Architecture, Parsons the New School for Design, International University of Catalonia, and ETSA Barcelona.
Deirdre Fulton – In Major Ruling, Grad Students Win Right to Unionize at Private Universities
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) said Tuesday that graduate students who work as teaching and research assistants at private colleges are employees—a ruling with “big implications” for both higher education and organized labor in the United States. Inside Higher Ed explains: The NLRB said that a previous ruling by the board—that these workers were not entitled to collective bargaining because they are …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.17.16
Fast-moving, informative, insightful interview with John Read, PhD, psychologist, professor in England, and a cutting-edge thinker and researcher. I learned stuff. We give and take about “What is psychosis?”, “What are hallucinations?” and “What helps very distressed people?” as well as “What’s the matter with psychiatry, Where is it going, Who nowadays joins the profession, and finally Can it be salvaged?” Surprising and thoughtful conversation!
Richard Gale and Gary Null – The Vaccine Dilemma: Unsafe at Any Dose
The CDC and advocates for mandatory vaccination consistently repeat a dangerous mantra that finds no warranted basis in medical science. This monolithic industry, now a massive network of private and government institutions, state senates, and supported by a compliant media, want us to believe that science has finally settled the debate over vaccine safety and efficacy. All the data is …
Progressive Commentary Hour – 03.08.16
Dr. Toni Bark is a physician in both pediatric and adult rehabilitartion medicine. She was the director of a pediatric emergency room at Michael Reese Hospital and a director of the Integrative department for Advocacy at Good Shepherd Hospital in Chicago. She is the former vice president of the American Institute of Homeopathy and has studied with many famous international homeopathic doctors. In addition to her medical degree from Rush Medical College and pediatric internship at New York University, Dr Bark received a masters in medical disaster preparedness and was an adjunct professor at Boston Univeresity. She currently has a private practice in the Chicago area that incorporates homeopathy, nutrition and a variety of bioenergetics medical disciplines. She is also the co-producer of the documentary film – “Bought” – which shows how Big Pharma and Big Food have sold out our health. Her website and blog is
Dr. Brian Hooker is an Associate Professor of Biology at Simpson University in California, and a senior consultant for ARES Corporation, specializing in environmental restoration design. As a bioengineer, Dr. Hooker spent 16 as a team leader for the Dept of Energy’s Genomes to Life Center for Molecular and Cellular Systems at its Pacific Northwest National Laboratory where he investigated gene-protein networks, cell signaling and cellular metabolic pathways. He is a prominent leader in the organization Focus Autism, which is investigating the scientific evidence for a vaccine-autism connection. Brian has a 16 year old son with autism and has been active in autism community for a decade. Over the years Brian has filed many FOIAs with federal health agencies and has received 1000s of pages of documents that support the need to question the efficacy and safety of vaccination. He has been a point independent researcher in the recent whistleblower case with Dr. Thompson from the CDC regarding vaccine dangers. His website is
Becky Estepp is the Director of Commnications for Health Choice, a non profit organization focusing on increasing awareness about health choices, vaccine risks, industrialized food, environmental risks, nutrition, and ways to prevent of chronic diseases in adults and children. Health Choice is also active in countering the vaccine bills being pushed by private industry and government upon states to mandate vaccines and remove vaccine exemption. She has worked extensively on issues related to vaccine safety and has appeared on Fox News, Good Morning America, ABC World News Tonight, CNN and other media outlets. She and her husband Jack are the parents of two sons, the oldest, Eric, who has autism. The website is
Mark Blaxill is the father of a daughter diagnosed with autism, editor at large for Age of Autism, a director of SafeMinds, and a frequent speaker at autism conferences. He writes often on autism, science, and public policy issues for Age of Autism and has published numerous articles, letters, and commentaries on autism in journals such as Public Health Reports, the International Journal of Toxicology, the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Neurotoxicology and Medical Hypotheses. He has also been invited to peer review articles in journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, the American Journal of Epidemiology, Pediatrics and others. Mark is the co-author of “Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine and a Man Made Epidemic” and a leading voice in Health Choice. His websites are and
Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 03.07.16
Guest 1: Arun Kundnani is the author of The Muslims are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror and a lecturer at New York University. Sarah Lazare reports for AlterNet in “The FBI Has a New Plan to Spy on High School Students Across the Country,” that: “Under new guidelines, the FBI is instructing high schools across the country to report students who criticize government policies and ‘western corruption’ as potential future terrorists, warning that ‘anarchist extremists’ are in the same category as ISIS and young people who are poor, immigrants or travel to ‘suspicious’ countries are more likely to commit horrific violence.
“Based on the widely unpopular British ‘anti-terror’ mass surveillance program, the FBI’s ‘Preventing Violent Extremism in Schools’ guidelines [PDF], released in January, are almost certainly designed to single out and target Muslim-American communities. However, in its caution to avoid the appearance of discrimination, the agency identifies risk factors that are so broad and vague that virtually any young person could be deemed dangerous and worthy of surveillance, especially if she is socio-economically marginalized or politically outspoken.
“This overwhelming threat is then used to justify a massive surveillance apparatus, wherein educators and pupils function as extensions of the FBI by watching and informing on each other.”
He said today: “The document aims to encourage schools to monitor their students more carefully for signs of radicalization but its definition of radicalization is vague. Drawing on the junk science of radicalization models, the document dangerously blurs the distinction between legitimate ideological expression and violent criminal actions.
“In practice, schools seeking to implement this document will end up monitoring Muslim students disproportionately. Muslims who access religious or political material will be seen as suspicious, even though there is no reason to think such material indicates a likelihood of terrorism.”
Guest 2: Dr. Francis Boyle – Talking about Zika Virus man-made as a GMO. Francis Anthony Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois with degrees from the University of Chicago, magna cum laude from Harvard Law , and further Ph.Ds. from Harvard University.
Guest 3: Tracy Rosenberg, author of Pacifica in Exile Newsletter. In an unsigned blast, former Pacifica IED Margy Wilkinson attacked her colleagues on the national board who assisted her in taking over national leadership in 2014 (including several she called “workables” in her notepad) accusing them of “grabbing KPFA’s money” and “redirecting it”.
The board’s 11-5 vote that the bequest had been redirected incorrectly to KPFA’s exclusive use by Wilkinson was taken on October 29th. Taking advantage of the board’s penchant for confidentiality, Wilkinson characterized the contents of the 60-pages of related documents no one besides the board is being allowed to see for more than a week.
Wilkinson, PNB treasurer Brian Edwards-Tiekert, and LA-based KPFA listener rep Jose-Luis Fuentes bitterly fought the release of the documentation on Thursday night to the local station boards. Wilkinson secretly set up a duplicate nonprofit foundation in California using Pacifica’s mission statement to acquire Pacifica’s broadcasting licenses under her sole control “should Pacifica go bankrupt”.
Wilkinson ends her screed with the comment that members of the slate opposed to her own Siegel/Brazon faction “Members of the UCR slate have long championed replacing unionized staff with volunteer-produced programming”.
Wilkinson in a last-minute maneuver on her very last day as Pacifica’s director appointed slate-mate Leslie Radford, an unqualified community college instructor, as KPFK’s general manager. Radford has been aggressively replacing unionized staff with volunteer-produced programming in LA and created the biggest labor crisis for Pacifica in 16 years, with more than 20 different grievances being arbitrated with the SAG-AFTRA union, including withheld seniority pay, pension deposits and union dues totaling more than $100,000 by Wilkinson as Pacifica’s IED.
Melting Pot host/producer Michael Barnes became the 4th KPFK show host to quit on air Friday night saying “he was done with the place and how badly it was being managed”.
The cognitive dissonance indicates that Wilkinson herself does not have a consistent set of beliefs about how Pacifica should be run, only a willingness to do whatever she believes necessary for her own faction to remain in power until she is able to un-hook KPFA’s broadcasting license for her own company.
Continuing on that theme, PNB treasurer Brian Edwards-Tiekert claimed that “financial stability has been recovered at KPFA due to windfall income” and electioneered for Wilkinson’s re-election.
The hit piece ended with a plea for loyal Siegel/Brazonites to attempt to shut down this Pacifica In Exile publication by filing complaints with the email service, as the faction prefers the only information provided to members about the foundation’s governance come from them. Everything else is labeled a “conspiracy theory”.