Yesterday we pointed out something troubling: while Hillary Clinton has now gone 274 days without giving a press conference (even as her campaign spokesman Brian Fallon eagerly vowed that “if elected Hillary Clinton will hold press conferences”) she has been all too eager to answer questions from donors at exclusive (and expensive) fundraisers. Like, for example, the one that took place …
NORMAN POLLACK – Hillary Clinton is Shameless
Never has a candidate for President been so solicitous—and transparent about it—of major wealth, what the New York Times (stepping out of character) admits is her appeal to the Ultrarich. In Chozick and Martin’s, “Where Has Hillary Clinton Been? Ask the Ultrarich,” Sept. 3, we find the most lopsided appeal to wealth—at the expense of normal campaigning—in US electoral history: …
SLAVOJ ŽIŽEK – Democracy’s Fascism Problem
Sometimes faces become symbols of the anonymous forces behind them. Was not the stupidly smiling face of Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem the symbol of the European Union’s brutal pressure on Greece? Recently, the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP)—the European cousin of the Trans-Pacific Partnership—acquired a new symbol: the cold face of E.U. trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström, who responded to massive …
U.S. and Saudis Causing Hundreds of Thousands of Children to Starve to Death In Yemen
The United States is a major backer and supporter of the Saudi-led war against Yemen. The U.S. supplies the weapons, and provides most of the targeting and military tactics. See this, this, this, this,this and this. (And see this for background on the Yemen war.) The Saudi and American military are committing war crimes left and right … For example, a report from the United Nations Children’s Fund notes: Read More
Henry A. Giroux – Radical Politics in the Age of American Authoritarianism: Connecting the Dots
The United States stands at the endpoint of a long series of attacks on democracy, and the choices faced by many in the US today point to the divide between those who are and those who are not willing to commit to democracy. Debates over whether Donald Trump is a fascist are a tactical diversion because the real issue is …
Chris Hedges – The Lie of Patriotism
BALTIMORE—When Rory Fanning, a burly veteran who served in the 2nd Army Ranger Battalion and was deployed in Afghanistan in 2002 and 2004, appeared at the Donald Trump rallyin Chicago last month he was wearing the top half of his combat fatigues. As he moved through the crowd, dozens of Trump supporters shouted greetings such as “Welcome home, brother” and “Thank …
Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 01.11.16
Guest 1: Clint Griess
“Fluoride, the “miracle” drug whose harmful legacy we are only now beginning to understand. How our water is compromised”
Guest 2: Bruce Kaufmann
Donald Trump on Building “camps” and States rights. Bruce Kaufmann – Constitutional Historian
Guest 3: Jason Crow
“Healthy Living” Update
William Blum – A US Media Lost in Propaganda
Vulgar, crude, racist and ultra-sexist though he is, Donald Trump can still see how awful the American mainstream media is. I think one of the main reasons for Donald Trump’s popularity is that he says what’s on his mind and he means what he says, something rather rare amongst American politicians, or politicians perhaps anywhere in the world. The American …
Natylie Baldwin – Vladimir Putin: Neither a Monster Nor a Messiah
Many westerners are understandably disillusioned with Western policies and culture (largely led by the US), both of which have degenerated. The former into unabashed imperialism, militarism (both at home and abroad), and oligarchy and the latter into crass consumerism, sexual exhibitionism and social alienation. Consequently, many of these people are looking for something. Enter into this picture, Russian president Vladimir …
Finian CUNNINGHAM – Russia Vindicated by Terrorist Surrenders in Syria
As Syrians gather in their capital Damascus to celebrate, there is a sense that the New Year will bring a measure of peace – the first time such hope has been felt over the past five years of war in the country. Russia’s military intervention to help its Arab ally at the end of September has been the seminal event …