Leid Stories – Feds Probing Clinton Foundation Ex-Board Member; The Clintons, Too? – 05.24.16

In a startling development related to yesterday’s program about the Clinton Foundation, news broke that Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-Virginia)—a close friend and political ally of Bill and Hillary Clinton and a former member of the foundation’s board—is the target of a joint FBI-U.S. Justice Department investigation, allegedly for taking illegal campaign contributions.

The probe speaks directly to the issue our guest, former Wall Street banker and investor Charles K. Ortel, returns to today: the highly questionable fundraising practices of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Ortel blew the whistle on General Electric in 2007-2008, after his own investigation of the financial records of the conglomerate revealed it had fraudulently overvalued its stock. Ortel says his own examination of the Clinton foundation’s financial records leads him to believe it is engaging in massive fraud under the guise of a philanthropic organization.

Haitian-born journalist Dady Chery, author of the recently published We Have Dared to Be Free: Haiti’s Struggle Against Occupation, has written extensively on developments in Haiti and emerging nations for News Junkie Post. She joins Ortel in discussing the Clintons’ sordid history in Haiti.

Leid Stories – 03.07.16

Untied Tongue: Trump Speaks American Ugly With A French Accent

Democrats Troll Flint: Misery Serves As A Political Backdrop

Donald Trump, the frontrunner among Republican candidates in the 2016 presidential race, has an admirer in Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the far-right, trenchantly racist National Front party in France. Gilbert Mercier, editor in chief of News Junkie Post, draws parallels between the ascendancy and growing appeal of Trump and that of LePen.

At the urging of Hillary Clinton, Sunday night’s CNN-hosted Democratic “debate” with fellow contender Bernie Sanders was held in the beleaguered city of Flint, Michigan, which remains mired in a public-health disaster as the city concedes responsibility for exposing tens of thousands of residents to lead poisoning and bacterial infections from its water system. Abayomi Azikiwe, a Detroit organizer for the Workers World Party and editor in chief of the Pan-African Newswire, says Flint served as a convenient political backdrop, but substantive issues affecting its residents went missing.