Alternative Visions – Venezuela Today: Eyewitness to Current Events – 08.18.17

Download this episode (right click and save) Alternative Visions radio welcomes guest, Pablo Vivanco, of Telesur Media in Latin America to explain what’s really going on in Venezuela as the Trump administration raises the spectre of possible military intervention in the democratic revolution in that country.  Dr. Rasmus describes the measures by which US elites and its deep state since …

Expat Files – 08.18.17

#1- Corn Tortillas: the unusual truth about the 3000 year old food that fed a good number of mighty civilizations. However good they taste and smell, gringos and expats should watch carefully how they are made and handled. Every little tortilla stand has a different set of hygienic standards ranging from good to ugly. Unfortunately the cleanliness factor can be …

Expat Files – 08.03.17

#1- Tips on buying and selling items in Latin America: If you buy or sell an item using Latin classifieds, newspaper ads, internet sites like or any sort of Latin Craigslist clone or whatever method, don’t be surprised if you find most of the sales will take place in a Walmart, MacDonald’s or some other “borrowed” parking lot. It’s an odd but …

Expat Files – 07.23.17

#1- A frequent question from listeners: “Johnny, where would you live if you had to settle down and have your “Plan B” in Mexico?” Today you’ll get the full, unabridged answer.   #2- In Mexico the prices are going up, up, up. You might be surprised at the reasons why. That’s all bad news for the hundreds of thousands of Gringo and …

Expat Files – 04.14.17

#1- Today we discuss another of the many media lists proposing the so called, most dangerous cities in the world. Once again most all of the cities are located in Latin America. Lets go through the list and check it out… #2-Venezuela is the only country in Latin America where the general population is getting skinnier, more physically fit (and …

Expat Files – 10.16.16

#1-They have heavily guarded industrial parks in Latin America called Free Trade Zones and Zona Francas. What’s that all about? #2- Forget about airport duty free shops. They don’t have the deals they used to. So today we explain how you can get really great deals on thousands of items and pay no VAT (IVA) taxes or import duties. However, …

Expat Files – 10.09.16

#1- What fresh new Expats need to know about first-world style healthcare and insurance coverage in Latin America: how to sign up, the costs, coverage and types of plans to choose from.   #2- The use and abuse of air conditioning in Latin America   #3- More Gringo/Expat driving tips and a new heads up on car repair scams.   …