Leid Stories—Ambush in Niger: We Demand Truth! (Part 2)—10.24.17

We return to yesterday’s discussion that raised questions about the U.S. increased military presence in Africa—both in terms of personnel and military installations. The Oct. 4 ambush of four special-operations troops in Niger has raised questions in Congress about “shadow” military operations in that and several other African countries that few in Congress seem to know anything about. Meanwhile, as …

Leid Stories—Ambush in Niger: We Demand Truth!—10.23.17

More than 1,000 people on Saturday attended a private funeral service for Army Sgt. La David Johnson at Christ the Rock Church in South Florida. Johnson was one of four soldiers in a 12-man unit who were killed in Niger in an Oct 4 ambush, said to have been carried out by ISIS-affiliated forces. His body was not recovered for two days. …

Leid Stories – Money, Oil and Terrorism: The Clintons’ Rotten Record in Nigeria – 06.30.16

Seven years into a counteroffensive against a campaign of terror that claimed the lives of 15,000 people and caused the displacement of about 2 million more in Nigeria and neighboring Chad, Niger and Cameroon, Nigeria’s army declared just four days ago that it had freed more than 5,000 people held hostage by the terrorist group Boko Haram in raids on 15 villages. The militant Islamist group, claiming affiliation with ISIS, riled the country and the world two years ago when it kidnapped 276 schoolgirls from the town of Chibok in Borno state; the search continues for them.

Hillary Clinton, secretary of state when Boko Haram emerged as Africa’s ISIS affiliate, repeatedly refused to designate the militants as terrorists—even at congressional urging and pleas from African leaders, including the Nigerian president, for support in combating terrorism. Meanwhile, Boko Haram was able to escalate its terror campaign and atrocities.

Mindy Belz, senior editor of WORLD Magazine, discusses Clinton’s “troubling ties” to Nigerian big money, the role of the Clinton Foundation and former President Bill Clinton, and their connection to her inaction on Boko Haram.

Heart of Mind Radio – 11.27.15

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis brings back Mahesh Benyamin Bridges, Coordinator of the Amazing Holistic Health Expo & Conference for a recap of this weekend’s upcoming event.

Featured on today’s show are Bouimen Kamenthu, a first generation graduate of the New York Earth Center. He began his initiation in 2006. Over the past 10 years he has served in the capacity of a student, teacher, scribe, fundraiser and lecturer on diverse topics on traditional culture. He is the current overseer of the New York Earth Center. For the last seven years he has traveled back and forth from the US to Africa, living there several months each year, deepening his studies and continuing the arduous process of Initiation.

This segment is to present the upcoming event called: The Earth Center Presents: Mapping the Cosmos, Kemetic Time Keeping and the Zodiac. Discover Mysteries of Time and Space: Connecting Astronomy and Astrology, The Origins of the Zodiac Signs, and Spirituality in Cosmic Cycles.