John W. Whitehead – The Right To Tell The Government To Go to Hell: Free Speech In An Age Of Government Bullies, Corporate Censors And Compliant Citizens

Free speech is not for the faint of heart. Nor is it for those who are easily offended, readily intimidated or who need everything wrapped in a neat and tidy bow. Free speech is often messy, foul-mouthed, obscene, intolerant, undignified, insensitive, cantankerous, bawdy and volatile. Unfortunately, our appreciation for a robust freedom of speech has worn thin over the years. …

Dan Wright – Wall Street Taking Over Nonprofit Sector

hile there has traditionally been a close relationship between Wall Street donors and nonprofit organizations like charities and universities, a new study from the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) reveals a growing Wall Street takeover of nonprofit boards of directors. Using data from what are referred to in the study as major private research universities, elite small liberal arts colleges, …

Amanda Froelich – How To Use Plastic Water Bottles And Bleach To Create LIGHT!

The invention of electricity transformed the lives of many. No longer were work days limited to the sun’s rays, and with longer hours to work with creative inspiration, inspired dreams could become reality.But in many areas of the world, conveniences common to the Western world are still foreign. For example, 1 billion people currently experience energy poverty and have no means of …

What Women Must Know – Smart Meters and the Best Protection with Karl Heiman – 11.12.15

Karl Heiman currently owns and operates several small businesses and is on the Board of several nonprofit organizations. Prior to owning small businesses Karl Heiman was in the high technology business with over 22 years experience in semiconductor capital equipment in the field of semiconductor device fabrication using high power RF systems.

Stephanie McMillan & Vincent Kelley – Why NGOs and Leftish Nonprofits Suck (4 Reasons)

About 20 years ago, in a conversation with a Bangladeshi organizer, the topic of non-government organizations (NGOs), or non-profits as they’re often called, came up. He said bluntly: “I hate NGOs.” His vehemence was surprising. NGOs are far from revolutionary organizations, but their work still seemed more helpful than not. Political differences with them aside, it seemed dogmatic to denounce free …

Fearless Parent Radio – Lyme, Autism, and Vibrational Healing – 10.14.15

Tami Duncan began her soul’s mission of vibrational healing through the process of recovering her son from autism. Although diagnosed with ASD at age seven, a later a diagnosis of Lyme disease was what provided Tami the clues that ultimately led to his remarkable progress.

But the healing didn’t stop there. Tami’s desire to dig deeper into the full realms of healing led her to the vibrational healing arts, including Reiki.

We know that the human body is an amazing information gatherer. The nervous system zings when confronted with a menacing stranger; and our olfactory nerves delight in the aroma of freshly baked cookies.

But what about the other body — the one that resides outside of the physical? Often referred to as the astral body, the spiritual body, or the soul — how can accessing this realm of our existence enhance our lives? These days, it’s no longer considered fringe to visit a medium, medical intuitive, or a host of other practitioners who journey to these higher planes. Our deepest desire is to understand just a little bit more. to find resolution from a painful experience, to heal.

The Gary Null Show – 10.14.15

Sam Husseini is the communications director for The Institute for Public Accuracy, a non profit organization founded by Norman Solomon that supports progressive and grassroots organizations and movements by giving them a public voice. He is also the founder of, a collaborative venture to unite disenchanted Democrats and Republicans to unite to create a third party. Sam’s articles on politics, foreign affairs and the media have appeared in Counterpunch, Consortium News, the Washington Post, The Nation, and many others. Prior to joining the Institute, he was the media director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and started Washington Stakeout, which brings the difficult questions to politicos outside the Sunday talk shows. The Institute of Public Accuracy’s website is

Progressive Commentary Hour – 08.25.15

Guest #1 – Kevin Barry is a former federal attorney in civil law and currently the co-President of the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy and the president of First Freedoms INc, a non profit organization dedicated to advancing the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution’s First Amendment. Earlier he was the president of Jenny McCarthy’s organization Generation Rescue. Kevin has three sons, one with autism. He is also the author of a new book just released – “Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC” with a preface by Boyd Haley and forward by Bobby Kennedy Jr. which for the first time provides the transcripts of the conversations between the CDC scientist and whistleblower William Thompson and Prof. Brian Hooker. His website is Kevin’s book is called: “Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC”

Guest #2 – Dr. Robert Sears is a board-certified pediatrician who is pioneering the integration of alternative natural practices with and traditional medical care in pediatric preventative and therapeutic health. He is a co-author of the Sears Parenting Library series, which includes volumes about raising chidren naturally and organically. Bob is also the co-founder of the Immunity Education Group – a non-profit organization dedicated to providing complete and balanced information about infectious diseases and the risks and benefits of vaccines. He is active in efforts opposing the state of California’s vaccine mandate bills and has appeared on many national radio and television programs. The imunity education group can be followed on Facebook and Twitter, and ihs websites are and

Guest #3 – Prof. Mary Holland is a Director of the Graduate Legal Skills Program at New York University School of Law, specializing in international human rights, public law and vaccine safety law and injury compensation. She also has a son who regressed into autism following the MMR vaccine. Mary has degrees in Russian studies from Harvard, and graduate degrees in international relations and a JD from Columbia University, where she has also taught international law at its Law School. Mary is the co-author of “Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health and Our Children.” Her website is

The Gary Null Show – 08.24.15

Kevin Barry is a former federal attorney in civil law and currently the co-President of the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy and the president of First Freedoms INc, a non profit organization dedicated to advancing the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution’s First Amendment. Earlier he was the president of Jenny McCarthy’s organization Generation Rescue. Kevin has three sons, one with autism. He is also the author of a new book just released – “Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC” with a preface by Boyd Haley and forward by Bobby Kennedy Jr. which for the first time provides the transcripts of the conversations between the CDC scientist and whistleblower William Thompson and Prof. Brian Hooker. His website is

Is the IRS Abandoning Its Duty to Stop “Dark Money” From Ruling the 2016 Election? By Candice Bernd

A federal appeals court Tuesday upheld a ban on government contractors contributing to federal election campaigns, saying the ban was originally put in place to prevent government corruption. However, in deciding the case, the court didn’t address such contractors’ anonymous contributions to “dark money” nonprofit groups, organizations that abuse the rules of their tax exempt status to engage in political spending, such …