The latest assault on human and civil rights in the United States has been quietly taking shape, but rather than media and public outcry, this attack is being met with cheers from the very corners that condemn other forms of discrimination. What is the object of this attack?  Believe it or not, it’s adults who have not complied with the vaccination …
Government Vaccine Committee Considers How to Build Vaccine Confidence
…but verifying or improving the safety of vaccines is not on the list. Action Alert! [1] You may remember our article [2] on the National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s (NVAC) plan to increase adult immunizations, which could eventually lead to adult mandates. Now, NVAC’s Vaccine Confidence Working Group has released a draft report [3] that considers “how confidence in vaccines impacts the optimal use of recommended childhood vaccines in …
Making Science History – Jim Hightower
We’ve all seen those touchy-feely TV ads with baby deer, butterflies, and sylvan streams — claiming that some big corporate polluter is nature’s best friend. There’s a word for such hokum: greenwashing. Leave it to the Koch brothers, however, to invent a whole new category of greenwashing. Doling out millions of their oil-smeared greenbacks, David and Charles Koch have been …
The Big Chill: How Big Money Is Buying Off Criticism of Big Money
Not long ago I was asked to speak to a religious congregation about widening inequality. Shortly before I began, the head of thecongregation asked that I not advocate raising taxes on the wealthy. He said he didn’t want to antagonize certain wealthycongregants on whose generosity the congregation depended. I had a similar exchange last year with the president of a …