Emotional contagion is a term coin by Dr. Michael Wald – the blood detective and host of ask the blood detective. During this exciting and unique conversation, Dr. WALD distinguishes how emotions can give us disease and how they can cure us. The use of dietary factors, nutritional supplements and coping mechanisms are discussed in practical detail. Dr. Wald is …
The Gary Null Show – 05.29.17
On this Memorial Day, Gary Null opens up the program with the latest in health and healing before going to a long commentary and audio clip on “The Deep State” and what we have to do to take back our democracy. The audio clip Gary plays in this episode is “The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight” – Mike Lofgren, …
The Gary Null Show – 05.22.17
Today is May 22th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment and all things political around the world. Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing covering the topics of alcohol and the new study that shows the negative effect it has …
Ask The Blood Detective – Stress – What You Don’t Know Could Kill You! – 05.20.17
Join Dr. Michael Wald, DC, Board Certified Nutritionist and he reveals how the stress response can help or cause disease. Dr. Wald, host of Ask The Blood Detective, says, “knowing how the stress response works in the body is the secret of avoiding stress-caused disease. In fact, you can ‘use’ the stress response for healing.” Dr. Wald will answer questions …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 05.10.17
Kevin Miller is the filmmaker of Generation Rx and now Letters from Generation Rx. He and I enjoy our tour of common falsehoods sold to us by psychiatry, medicine and nutrition in our world. For the first time in public, I talk more about my own enlightenment about nutrition, and my glorious first six weeks of plant-based eating. Kevin and …
The Gary Null Show – 11.14.16
Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary pays respects to the great Leonard Cohen after his passing, Gives the latest news in the world of health and healing covering topics of Vitamin D, Zinc supplements, Plant based diets and the importance of hobbies. In the second half of the program Gary goes into the 2016 election and exposes some of the frauds in it.
Low-income shoppers are in worse shape than you thought
It was finally starting to look like the lowest-earning Americans had caught a break. Yet as they feel the squeeze of rising health-care and housing costs, the lift from a stronger job market and low fuel prices hasn’t been enough for these consumers to feel relief. And for hundreds of thousands who are unemployed, a change in qualifications for Supplemental …
It’s All About Food – Evita Ochel and Mark Hawthorne – 08.23.16
Evita Ochel is a consciousness expansion teacher, author, speaker, natural health expert, yoga and meditation teacher, and web TV host, who lives by being the change she wishes to see, and helps others live out the highest potential of their being by offering guidance and resources in the areas of spiritual evolution, veganism, simplicity, sustainability, holistic health, and optimal wellbeing. …
iEat Green – Irene Rizzo – 07.21.16
Irene Rizzo has been keeping people motived to stay fit and healthy for twenty five years. She owned and operated her own studio in New York City and has trained many high profile clients. She holds top certifications for personal training, nutrition, strength, and the method of Joseph Pilates. She now specializes in the techniques of Pilates and holistic health coaching and has uniquely integrated these techniques into her own holistic approach to health.
What Women Must Know – Whole Body Detoxing to Break Through Barrier in Every Area of Your Life with Dr. Deanna Minich – 06.23.16
Dr. Deanna Minich is an internationally recognized, cutting-edge wellness and lifestyle medicine expert who has mastered the art of integrating ancient healing traditions with modern science. Her unique “whole self” approach to nutrition looks at physiology, psychology, eating, and living within what she calls the “7 Systems of Health.” A five-time book author, and founder of Food & Spirit (www.foodandspirit.com), she continues to do detox programs with individuals to help them achieve better health. Her new book is Whole Detox, published by HarperCollins in March 2016. For more information, go to drdeannaminich.com