Healing Your Love Relationship with Stacey Martino – Episode 102 February 8th, 2017 Guest // Stacey Martino, Relationship Expert Host // Lea @ Maverick Kitchen As a Fearless Parent, you’ve turned over every rock to achieve maximum physical health for you and your family. But when is the last time you’ve “taken the temperature” of your relationship? There is growing evidence that …
The case against sugar
Virtually zero.’ That’s a reasonable estimate of the probability that public health authorities in the foreseeable future will successfully curb the worldwide epidemics of obesity and diabetes, at least according to Margaret Chan, the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO) – a person who should know. Virtually zero is the likelihood, Chan said at the National Academy of …
Gary Null, PhD – Deadly at any Dose: Sugar and the Corruption of Science: Part 3
Deadly at any Dose: Sugar and the Corruption of Science: Part 3 Deadly at any Dose: Sugar and the Corruption of Science: Part 2 Deadly at any Dose: Sugar and the Corruption of Science: Part 1 Gary Null, PhD November 11, 2016 The Progressive Radio Network Sugar and Dental Caries Studies have repeatedly confirmed that sugar causes dental caries—the …
What Women Must Know – A Successful New Paradigm for Healing Weight Issues with Dr. Susan Cushing – 09.15.16
A Successful New Paradigm for Healing Weight Issues with Dr. Susan Cushing
Michael Snyder – America You Need To Lose Weight: At Least 1 Out Of Every 5 People Are Obese In All 50 States
The United States officially has an obesity crisis. According to a brand new reportthat was just released by the Trust for America’s Health, at least one out of every five people meet the clinical definition for obesity in all 50 states. But of course in some states things are far worse than that. More than 35 percent of all adults are …
The Gary Null Show – 07.21.16
On “The Gary Null Show” Gary gave us an update on health and healing as well as having the great journalist, Greg Palast, and a few videos of what is going on in the world today. Enjoy, listen and read.
Study shows changes in brain activity after mindfulness therapy in adolescents
One third of women with ADHD have anxiety disorders, almost half have considered suicide, study finds
The right kind of cinnamon enhances memory, improves learning ability and can reverse Parkinson’s
What we learnt about tea & coffee at the polyphenol world congress
Lower risk of bowel cancer death linked to high omega 3 intake after diagnosis
Early obesity raises pancreatic cancer risk
ADHD drugs linked to sudden death
Colorectal cancer rate rising among younger people
ADHD drugs proven absolutely useless for children – plus, they stunt growth
Gary takes a break and plays this great tune: Gibson Brothers – Cuba. Gary returns to speak with his guest, Greg Palast, a great journalist, and here is a quick bio:
Greg Palast is a journalist’s journalist whose news breaking stories and investigations have appeared on BBC, the Guardian, Al-Jazeera, now Rolling Stone and others. The British Tribune K has called Greg “the most important investigative journalist in our time.” Greg broke the stories of voter theft in Florida districts during the 2000 Bush-Gore election, BP’s corruption over the Deep Horizon catastrophe in the Gulf, Bush’ secret pre-invasion plans to capture Iraq’s oil fields, and US’s attempted coups against Hugo Chavez. He has won many awards including the George Orwell award for Courage in Journalism. Greg is the author of NY Times Bestsellers “Billionaires and Ballot Bandits” and “Armed Madhouse” and “Vulture’s Picnic. His new feature documentary – the Best Democracy Money Can Buy: A Tale of Billionaires and Ballot Bandits will premiere next Wednesday, July 27 at the Democratic Alternative Convention in Philadelphia at 8:30 pm. You can read more of Greg’s reports at GregPalast.com
VIDEO: Why the whole banking system is a scam – Godfrey Bloom MEP
VIDEO: Rand Paul highlights the social injustices black people face
VIDEO: Seeds Monsanto in Iraq
Experts Warn How Artificial Sweeteners Cause Diabetes
According to a new study, research is increasingly demonstrating what many natural health advocates and critics of artificial sweeteners have been saying for years. That sugar replacements like sucralose, aspartame, and saccharin are actually causing diabetes as opposed to preventing it. While the medical industry continues to promote artificial sweeteners as a healthy alternative to sugar, and while major food …
FDA fails to act: Women have 2x the risk to develop an adverse drug reaction compared to men
The gender earnings gap has made headlines recently as political campaigns argue over the issues. But there is another gender gap that gets little attention: the adverse drug reaction risk for women. Why is the FDA ignoring this problem? From unsafe medical devices to inadequate clinical trials for drugs, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has turned a blind eye to the unique …
The Gary Null Show – 05.12.16
On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary discusses these topics and provides the links for you to learn more and understand more. Enjoy:
Teens who eat lots of fruit may lower their breast cancer risk
Fruit discovery could provide new treatments for obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
‘Sixth sense’ protects drivers except when texting
Working memory is better after a barefoot run
Cabbage may reduce cancer risk
Gary takes a quick music break and plays this classic: George Benson – Give Me The Night
VIDEO: Ishmahil, street orator, Speaking on Hip Hop & Black Youth Culture
The war in Afghanistan has turned a generation of children into heroin addicts
Hillary Clinton does not represent values that help women
Interview with Lonna Gordon of Pediatrics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai – 03.17.16
Dr. Lonna P Gordon is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and an Adolescent Medicine Specialist at the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy from Florida A& M University and her Doctor of Medicine from the University of South Florida. Dr. Gordon is passionate about child and adolescent obesity prevention and treatment and has led a variety of clinical and community interventions related to those subjects. She also does research around the psychological and social implications of obesity during adolescence.