What Women Must Know – How to Have a Healthy Sex Drive with Dr. Diana Hoppe – 01.28.16

Dr. Diana Hoppe is a board certified Ob/Gyn in Encinitas, Ca. practicing for many years as an OB/GYN. She is a dynamic public speaker on women’s health is the award- winning author of the book: HEALTHY SEX DRIVE, HEALTHY YOU. In the last few years, Dr. Hoppe re-focused her practice on helping women of all ages to balance hormones and to return to a healthier lifestyle. She has been called by some the “Hormone Queen” of San Diego and was a recent guest on the D. Oz show.

What Women Must Know – Natural Solutions for PCOS, Endometriosis and Other Hormonal Issues with Nat Kringoudis – 07.30.15

Natural Solutions for PCOS, Endometriosis and  Other Hormonal Issues with  Nat Kringoudis Nat Kringoudis is a bona fide women’s health revolutionist and fertility fixer with a big heart for natural healthcare.  She is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, an author, speaker and the founder and owner of The Pagoda Tree.  Nat has stepped up to champion fertility BEFORE it becomes …