Only days after being sworn into office, the new 115th Congress is rushing forward an unprecedented wave of bills aimed at enfeebling the federal agencies that protect the food on our tables, the air we breathe and the roads we travel. Holding the narrowest of majorities in Congress, Republicans are unable to rewrite the bipartisan laws that created these agencies. …
Steven Rosenfeld – Five Ways GOP Repeal of Obamacare is Taking From The Poor and Giving to the Rich
On Friday in a town hall meeting in Washington, President Obama said he would be happy to replace Obamacare with a better program but said Republican critics haven’t proposed anything that would bring better results by any objective measure. “From the very start, in the earliest negotiations in 2009, 2010, I made clear to Republicans that, if they had ideas …
Turning Point – 01.06.17
Me and politics; and, the new President, the new Congress and Ethics violations.