Joshua Holland – Are We Training Cops to Be Hyper-Aggressive ‘Warriors’?

Race dominated the coverage of the 2014 shooting of John Crawford. Crawford was a young black man gunned down by white cops in a Beaverton Creek, Ohio, Walmart as he talked to his girlfriend on the phone while absentmindedly holding a BB gun he had grabbed from a store shelf. Ohio is an “open-carry” state where it’s perfectly legal to …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 11.05.15

SHUTTING NUKES & STEALING OHIO’S CORPORATE POT REFERENDUM are what’s happening in today’s Solartopia Show.

TIM JUDSON and JESSICA AZULAY first join us to celebrate the announcement that the FitzGerald nuke in upstate New York will be closed. Entergy has said it will shut the ancient, dangerous reactor in October of 2016. Governor Andrew Cuomo has objected. But Cuomo is working to shut the reactors at INDIAN POINT near New York City so we’re not sure what to make of it. But Jessica give us the critical detail.

We then hear from my long-time co-conspirator BOB FITRAKIS about the CORPORATE MARIJUANA REFERENDUM allegedly defeated in Ohio. After watching elections being stolen here at least since 2004, we notice the usual symptoms of a rigged vote count. The Secretary of State, who allegedly administers a fair vote count, was a vehement opponent of the legalization of pot, and even accused its backers of fraud. There were breakdowns in Cincinnati in the polling apparatus. And obvious irregularities in Dayton and elsewhere. Polls showed Ohioans favoring the referendum by a significant margin but then defeating it in the balloting by 2:1, which makes no sense. Unless you’re really really stoned, which Ohio will again have to wait a while to do, at least legally.

Leid Stories – 10.19.15

St Louis Nuclear Waste Dump Near Ferguson Threatened by Fire
The Tamir Rice Case: Are Legal Strategies Failing Once Again?
Investigative journalist Paul DeRienzo, who has been reporting on the catastrophic consequences of America’s military and corporate nuclear-development and waste-disposal operations and programs, reports that the City of St. Louis has come up with an evacuation plan, should a “catastrophic event” occur at a landfill, near Ferguson, containing radioactive waste.

“Much has been written about the poverty and deep-seated racism in Ferguson,” DeRienzo says, “but little has been said of the environmental racism” besieging the city.

Samaria Rice—the mother of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was shot and killed by a rookie police officer in Cleveland last Nov. 22—and lawyers representing the family on Friday called for an independent special prosecutor to handle the case. Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty has not yet presented the case to a grand jury, but has released two “expert” reports concurring that the officer’s actions were “reasonable.”

Alton H. Maddox Jr., an expert on police-brutality cases, including cases that set a precedent for the appointment of special prosecutors, raises questions about the lawyers’ strategies.

Progressive Commentary Hour – 09.08.15

Guest #1 – John Perkins:

For many years, John Perkins was an economic hit man (EHM), a job to convince leaders of developing nations to accept economic conditions that benefit US private and government interests. He was a direct participant or witness to such dramatic modern events as the Saudi Arabian Money Laundering scandal, the fall of the Shah of Iran, the assassination of Panama’s president Omar Torrijos and invasion, and other government and corporate intrigues. Later John was a chief economist for a large international consulting firm advising the World Bank and IMF, the UN, Fortune 500 companies and many national governments. After 911, John broke his silence with the publication of his international best seller “ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.” Since then he has been a champion of indigenous spiritual cultures and environmental movements through his non profit projects Dream Change and the Pachamama Alliance. In addition to writing about the underworld of economics, he has published a series of books on shamanism and personal transformation. His website is where people can receive his newsletter.

Eric London – A portrait of life in America’s Rust Belt

Spread out across the prairies of north-central Indiana are dozens of towns and small cities whose streets and industrial parks once buzzed and hummed with the sound of automobile production. Over the highways and railroad tracks linking places like Muncie, Kokomo, and Marion to the industrial capitals of Detroit and Chicago there passed millions upon millions of loads of car …

Most complete human brain model to date is a ‘brain changer’

Scientists at The Ohio State University have developed a nearly complete human brain in a dish that equals the brain maturity of a five-week-old fetus. The brain organoid, engineered from adult human skin cells, is the most complete human brain model yet developed, said Rene Anand, professor of biological chemistry and pharmacology at Ohio State. The lab-grown brain, about the …

Michael Krieger – American Food Banks Struggle to Keep Up Amidst “Surprising” Demand

Food banks across the country are seeing a rising demand for free groceries despite the growing economy, leading some charities to reduce the amount of food they offer each family. U.S. food banks are expected to give away about 4 billion pounds of food this year, more than double the amount provided a decade ago, according to Feeding America, the …

J. D. Heyes – Health insurers seek huge price increases as ‘affordable’ Obamacare coverage exposed as yet another government price-gouging scam

President Obama’s supporters are quick to tout his record as one of tremendous success, especially his “reform” of health care, but that is largely because they like him personally – not because Obamacare has been a rousing success. By any measure the law, which has routinely been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court as constitutional despite the use of dubious …

Charter Schools Are Mired in Fraud and Failure By Paul Buchheit

The inadequacies of charter schools have been confirmed by many recent studies. Even CREDO [3], which is part of a conservative think tank funded by the pro-privatization Walton Foundation, recently found that in comparison to traditional public schools “students in Ohio charter schools perform worse in both reading and mathematics.” Another recent CREDO study [4] of California schools reached mixed results, with charters showing higher …

The Mark Riley Show – 06.17.15

Trump runs for President (this time for real, he says ). As Gothamist says, one more on the clown bus. Why is he running? Jeb Bush is also running, but so what? This is about Donald!

New York rent regulations expire amid last minute talks. This is a disgrace of epic proportions. Legislators are paid to pass laws so things like this don’t happen. And what were they debating while the rent reg deadline came and went? Just ask ‘em.