The unthinkable may well happen. The US may elect as President a racist, xenophobic, narcissistic, con man with no knowledge of policy or governance. As of now, Trump holds a slight lead over Clinton in the latest poll. Real progressives could be forgiven for feeling a healthy dose of schadenfreude, but then, schadenfreude is a bitter banquet if you’re all in the …
Politicians from Both Sides of the Aisle: Corruption Has Destroyed America
Pervasive corruption in modern America has been thoroughly documented. There are some very juicy quotes from high-level insiders about corruption in the USA. Jon Schwarz has rounded up a good collection of recent quotes on corruption from both sides of the aisle: • “Now [the United States is] just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations …
It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – They Own You – 04.08.15
Many of us aren’t shocked by the recent Princeton study that declares we’re clients of an Oligarchy, not citizens of a Democracy. After a bracing audio clip by George Carlin, Ellen traces how the seeds of American Oligarchy were planted centuries ago by our financially-enforced subservience to the money elite. These seeds have now become a thick forest of obfuscation about the nature of money and our ability to create and control it — Ellen talks with author and professor Carl Herman about how to break through the mythology of money. And co-host Walt McRee talks with Ira Dember of CommonomicsUSA about their initiative to create a monetary awakening for America’s mayors.