Lydia Saad – U.S. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

PRINCETON, N.J. — Many more Americans have considered themselves politically conservative than liberal since the early 1990s. That remained the case in 2016, when an average of 36% of U.S. adults throughout the year identified themselves as conservative and 25% as liberal. Yet that 11-percentage-point margin is half of what it was at its peak in 1996 and is down …

ANDREW LEVINE – It Didn’t Have to Be Hillary

Hillary Clinton, our next President, is inept, intellectually shallow and morally obtuse. She is also a Russophobe, a neocon, and a liberal (“humanitarian”) imperialist, who is fond of military “solutions” to problems she and her co-thinkers have created.   When she becomes Commander-in-Chief, she will be a disaster waiting to happen. The prevailing view, however, is that foreign policy is her …

ALAN NASSER – The Coming Plague of Poverty Among the Elderly: Clinton’s Plan For Gutting Social Security

In the recent Wikileaks revelations confirming Hillary Clinton’s duplicity, one of the clearest disclosures of her policy plans concerns her intention regarding Social Security. She stated that she would return to the position of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, charged with producing recommendations for reducing the deficit, i.e. cutting government social spending. The Commission, or “Simpson-Bowles committee”  …

7 Out of 10 Americans Agree That Economy is Rigged Against Them

A new Marketplace-Edison Research poll published Tuesday found that a full 71 percent of respondents agree that the economy is rigged, affirming the popular rhetoric of the current presidential campaign season. The majority opinion held firm across ethnicity, class, age, and gender differences. A whopping 83 percent of African Americans polled agreed that the economy is rigged, and 80 percent of people …

Richard Eskow – What’s Killing the American Middle Class?

A new study by the Pew Research Center spurred a rash of headlines last week about “the dying middle class.” But the word “dying” might be more appropriate if we were watching the regrettable but inevitable effects of natural forces at work. We’re not. We’re seeing the fruits of deliberate action – and sometimes of deliberate inaction – at the …

Adam Horowitz – Palestinian citizens of Israel respond to poll showing Jewish support for expelling Arabs from country

Earlier today Phil and I wrote about a new survey of Israeli attitudes by the Pew Research Center. The poll response that is generating the most attention is the finding that almost half of Israeli Jews agreed with the statement “Arabs should be expelled or transferred from Israel”: Israeli Jews are divided on the question of whether Arabs should be allowed to live …

William K. Black – President Obama Sides with U.S. Corporate Tax Cheats

I have been planning to respond to a January 26, 2016 article in the Wall Street Journal entitled “Washington’s Corporate Purge” that begins with the claim that “Bernie and Hillary compete to drive more U.S. companies overseas.”  My title was going to be:  “WSJ Shills for Tax Cheats and Cheers Race to the Bottom.”  The context was a typical WSJ claim that it was …

Key Issue Ignored by Presidential Candidates: Food

“Why don’t candidates talk about food?” That’s a question asked by the Des Moines Register‘s editorial board this weekend, who also pointed out that the “first-in-the nation caucuses are held in one of the world’s great agricultural centers.” It should be a major issue for presidential candidates, the Register says, because What we eat and how it’s produced are not jokes. These questions involve many …

Bamzi Banchiri – What are Americans willing to trade their privacy for?

Many Americans are willing to share their private information, but it depends on what they get in return. A Pew Research Center study released on Thursday revealed that Americans are often reluctant to disclose personal information, and get upset when companies use it to target them with ads. Yet a majority of those surveyed said that they might be willing …

Sanders is Right. The Childcare System in the US is a Disaster

One presidential hopeful’s assessment is that the child care system in the U.S. is disastrous. And based on the findings of a new survey, many working parents in the U.S. have reason to agree. The Pew Research Center report, which surveyed over 1,800 parents of kids under 18, offered a reflection of the widening inequality gripping the country. It found, …