A conversation with Sylvia Thyssen, senior editor at the Erowid Center, about experience reports, drug geekery, Shulgin's notebooks, and Erowid's current Pineapple fund-matching drive. [embed]https://expandingmind.podbean.com/mf/play/kmitdn/EXMind_030118.mp3[/embed] Download…
Wayne Douglas is a benzo survivor who has gradually recovered over many years and who helps to organize the annual World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day (W-BAD). He…
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 30 states saw increases in overdose deaths resulting from the abuse of heroin and…
What is the true motivation behind the DEA’s decision to ban kratom? Could it be the fact that enormous swathes of researchers are trying to develop synthetic…
The prescription opioid epidemic is not new. It began when Pharma rolled out and aggressively marketed time-released opioids like Oxycontin, driving “pill mills” that distributed…
It seems that each week brings new information documenting the precipitous decline in the conditions of life for a large majority of the American people.…
Ajay Goel PhD is the Director of Epigenetics, Cancer Prevention, and Cancer Genomics at Baylor University Medical Center in Texas. Dr. Goel has spent 20…
Experts think the increase was driven by people switching from opioid painkillers to cheaper heroin. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the report…