Last week President Obama signed the DARK (Deny Americans their Right to Know) Act into law that pre-empts Vermont’s and all other state’s mandatory GMO labeling laws. This bill, passed by Congress two weeks ago, was championed by Senators Debbie Stabenow and Pat Roberts (Ranking Member and Chairman of the Senate Ag committee) along with USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom …
Focus on the Facts – 08.01.16
Here is the description: The guest was Matt Landman, who discussed Geoengineering and the harm caused to people and the planet by the spraying of chem trails, and the injection of poisonous vaccines into infants and children, and the harm caused by GMOs and chemical laced foods sold in America.
Organic is bee-friendly, shows new report
An important and timely report just released by The Organic Center shows that organic farming practices are effective in maintaining the health and population of important crop pollinators, predominantly bees, which have been declining at an alarming rate in the past decade and threatening global food security. Titled “The Role of Organic in Supporting Pollinator Health,” the report reviewed 71 …
Organic Food Industry Explodes as Consumer Demand Spikes – Lorraine Chow
Looks like organic food has gone from a new-age trend to a staple in supermarkets and many American diets. According to a new analysis from the Organic Trade Association (OTA), organic food sales in 2014 jumped 11 percent to $35.9 billion, claiming almost 5 percent of the total food sales in the U.S. The numbers are a huge spike since the OTA first kept record in 1997, where …