The Gary Null Show – 09.30.16

Today on The Gary Null Show, Gary talks about how cinnamon cools the body by 2 degrees, Did you know how living in your 60’s is like living in your 40’s? Gary goes into a full in depth look at that. Are you dealing with chronic stress? If so Gary Null gives some ways to deal with that. In the second half of the program Gary goes to his audio files and plays clips on palestine, George Carlin, How the federal reserve lost 9 trillion dollars and middle east issues followed by a long commentary.

Guy Taylor – Five Reasons Why the TTIP Talks Are Looking a Bit Wobbly

The twelfth round of negotiations for TTIP, the biggest trade deal of them all, starts today in Brussels. The impacts of TTIP are disturbing and well documented elsewhere on this site, but we are seeing signs of panic setting in on the pro-TTIP side of the fence. They’re right to panic. 1) TTIP is hugely behind schedule. It should have …

Newly Leaked TTIP Draft Reveals Far-Reaching Assault on US/EU Democracy – Sarah Lazare

A freshly-leaked chapter from the highly secretive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement, currently under negotiation between the United States and European Union, reveals that the so-called “free trade” deal poses an even greater threat to environmental and human rights protections—and democracy itself—than previously known, civil society organizations warn. The revelation comes on the heels of global protests against the mammoth …